Legal Rights of School Leaders, Teachers, and Students, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (April 25, 2018) © 2019

  • Martha M. McCarthy Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles
  • Suzanne E. Eckes Indiana University, Bloomington
  • Janet R. Decker


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For courses in educational leadership.

Help aspiring academic professionals understand how basic legal principles apply to educational questions

Legal Rights of School Leaders, Teachers and Students provides essential guidelines for school personnel to follow in their everyday work. Scenarios of landmark cases and visuals clarify concepts, helping educators apply them to a range of school issues. While the coverage is comprehensive, the presentation is straightforward and non-technical.

The 8th Edition combines the highly successful Public School Law: Teachers' and Students' Rights with Legal Rights of Teachers and Students and offers coverage of current and emerging legal issues and more.

Hallmark features of this title

  • A reader-friendly, applied format presents critical school law topics, discussions of the implications of legal mandates, and practical guidelines for school personnel to follow.
  • The nontechnical presentation avoids extensive use of legal terms so that information is easier for legal novices to comprehend.

New and updated features of this title

  • NEW: A new chapter, “Alternatives to Traditional Public Schooling to Increase Educational Choice,” provides important information on charter schools, vouchers, tax credit/benefit programs and education savings accounts (Ch. 13).
  • UPDATED: An enhanced focus on legal literacy emphasizes why it is essential for school personnel to learn the law and shows readers how to conduct legal research (Ch. 1).
  • UPDATED: Coverage of current and emerging legal concerns gives readers the information they need to face today's educational issues informed and prepared.
  • UPDATED: Up-to-date, well-documented court cases illustrate points of law or legal trends that directly affect school law. More than 300 new cases and at least 50 new or amended federal and state laws reflect current practice.
  • UPDATED: Descriptive case scenarios, helpful study questions, and compelling visuals bring the concepts of school law to life in an engaging, clear manner.
  • UPDATED: Footnotes and recommended websites give readers the opportunity to explore specific cases or points of law in detail.
  1. Introduction to School Law
  2. Tort Liability
  3. Church/State Relations
  4. Instructional Issues
  5. Student Expression, Association, and Appearance
  6. Student Classifications
  7. Rights of Students with Disabilities
  8. Student Discipline
  9. Terms and Conditions of Employment
  10. Teachers’ Substantive Constitutional Rights
  11. Discrimination in Employment
  12. Termination in Employment
  13. Alternatives to Traditional Public Schooling to Increase Educational Choice
  14. Summary of Legal Generalizations

About our authors

Martha McCarthy, Presidential Professor at Loyola Marymount University and Chancellor's Professor Emeritus at Indiana University, teaches educational law and policy courses. She has authored or coauthored 13 books and more than 300 articles and made frequent presentations on various school law topics and educational leadership programs and faculty members. She has served as President of the Education Law Association (ELA) and the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) and Vice President for Division A of the American Educational Research Association. Among honors, she has received lifetime achievement awards from ELA, UCEA, and the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership. Her current research focuses on school choice initiatives and First Amendment religion and speech issues.

Suzanne Eckes is a professor in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department at Indiana University. Dr. Eckes has published widely about education law issues (e.g., American Educational Research Journal, Berkeley Review of Education, Review of Research in Education, Teachers College Record, Peabody Journal, Educational Policy, Educational Administration Quarterly, and Journal of School Leadership). She is a co-author or co-editor of several books, including Principals Teaching the Law (Corwin), Principals Avoiding Lawsuits (Rowman & Littlefield), Contemporary Legal Issues in Higher Education (3rd ed., Education Law Association), School Discipline and Safety and The Principal's Legal Handbook (3rd to 5th ed., Education Law Association). Much of her research focuses on how civil rights laws influence policy for historically marginalized populations in public schools. She is the President of the Education Law Association and a monthly legal contributor to the National Association of Secondary School Principals' magazine.

Janet Decker teaches school law courses to undergraduate, master's, doctoral, and law students at Indiana University. She is the coauthor or coeditor of the following books: The Principal's Legal Handbook (6th ed., Education Law Association); How to Prevent Special Education Litigation (Teachers College Press); and A Guide to Special Education Law (Education Law Association). Dr. Decker's publications have also appeared in education and law journals (e.g., Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy, Peabody Journal of Education, Journal of School Choice, Teaching Exceptional Children, BYU Education and Law Journal, and Utah Law Review). Dr. Decker also serves on the Education Law Association's Board of Directors. She became interested in special education policy when she taught students with autism.

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