Andrew Carnegie and the Rise of Big Business, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (March 16, 2006) © 2007

  • Harold C. Livesay Texas A&M University

  • Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
  • Affordable rental option for select titles

In this biography, author and scholar Harold C. Livesay examines the life and legacy of Andrew Carnegie, one of the greatest captains of industry and philanthropists in the history of the United States.

Paperback, brief, and inexpensive, each of the titles in the Library of American Biography Series focuses on a figure whose actions and ideas significantly influenced the course of American history and national life. In addition, each biography relates the life of its subject to the broader themes and developments of the times.

  • This best-selling biography offers students a lively and compelling portrait of one of the twentieth century's greatest businessmen, providing an avenue for exploring industrialism, capitalism, and the foundations of big business.
  • The text incorporates the most recent scholarship on Carnegie’s life and times and includes a “Note on the Sources” section which details the important recent editions to the Andrew Carnegie bibliography.
  • A new Preface from series editor Mark Carnes illustrates why this biography is such a valued addition to the series.
  • A new set of Study and Discussion Questions helps students engage directly with the text.


 1. Flying Scots: In Search of a Dream.
 2. The Climb Begins.
 3. The Apprentice Manager.
 4. The Apprentice Financier.
 5. The Master Moneyman: A Fortune in Paper.
 6. The Master Builder: A Foundation of Iron.
 7. The Master Builder: A Structure of Steel.
 8. The Master Manager: Costs, Chemistry and Coke.
 9. Triumph and Tragedy.
10. Carnegie Challenges the World.
11. The Climb Ends.

Study and Discussion Questions.
A Note on the Sources.

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