C++ Primer, 5th edition

Published by Addison-Wesley Professional (August 6, 2012) © 2013

  • Stanley B. Lippman
  • Josée Lajoie
  • Barbara E. Moo



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While maintaining the authority and quality of a book that has sold more than 500,000 copies, this Fifth edition is not your father's C++ Primer. It has been completely revised and rewritten to conform to today's C++ usage. and to cover the recently released C++ 2011 standard. Students new to C++ will find a clear and practically organized introduction to the language enhanced by numerous pedagogical aids. Students returning to C++ will be able to update their knowledge with new material on using C++ libraries and programming styles.

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  • A best-seller completely revised and rewritten for the new C++ 2011 standard
  • A favorite choice for a first C++ book--greatly improved and updated for modern C++ programming.
  • Reorganized to better address the novice audience, making it more approachable for non-C programmers.
  • Features many new examples that are less advanced and more accessible to novices as well as experienced programmers--folks who already use C++ need this book too.
Preface        xxiii

Chapter 1: Getting Started        1

1.1 Writing a Simple C++ Program   2

1.2 A First Look at Input/Output   5

1.3 A Word About Comments   9

1.4 Flow of Control   11

1.5 Introducing Classes   19

1.6 The Bookstore Program   24

Chapter Summary   26

Defined Terms   26


Part I: The Basics        29

Chapter 2: Variables and Basic Types        31

2.1 Primitive Built-in Types   32

2.2 Variables   41

2.3 Compound Types   50

2.4 const Qualifier   59

2.5 Dealing with Types   67

2.6 Defining Our Own  Data Structures   72

Chapter Summary   78

Defined Terms    78


Chapter 3: Strings, Vectors, and Arrays        81

3.1 Namespace using Declarations   82

3.2 Library string Type   84

3.3 Library vector Type   96

3.4 Introducing Iterators    106

3.5 Arrays   113

3.6 Multidimensional Arrays   125

Chapter Summary   131

Defined Terms   131


Chapter 4: Expressions        133

4.1 Fundamentals    134

4.2 Arithmetic Operators   139

4.3 Logical and Relational Operators   141

4.4 Assignment Operators   144

4.5 Increment and Decrement Operators   147

4.6 The Member Access Operators   150

4.7 The Conditional Operator   151

4.8 The Bitwise Operators   152

4.9 The sizeof Operator   156

4.10 Comma Operator    157

4.11 Type Conversions   159

4.12 Operator Precedence Table   166

Chapter Summary   168

Defined Terms   168


Chapter 5: Statements        171

5.1 Simple Statements   172

5.2 Statement Scope   174

5.3 Conditional Statements    174

5.4 Iterative Statements   183

5.5 Jump Statements   190

5.6 try Blocks and Exception Handling   193

Chapter Summary   199

Defined Terms   199


Chapter 6: Functions        201

6.1 Function Basics  202

6.2 Argument Passing   208

6.3 Return Types and the return Statement   222

6.4 Overloaded Functions   230

6.5 Features for Specialized Uses   236

6.6 Function Matching   242

6.7 Pointers to Functions   247

Chapter Summary    251

Defined Terms   251


Chapter 7: Classes        253

7.1 Defining Abstract Data Types   254

7.2 Access Control and Encapsulation   268

7.3 Additional Class Features   271

7.4 Class Scope    282

7.5 Constructors Revisited   288

7.6 static Class Members    300

Chapter Summary   305

Defined Terms    305


Part II: The C++ Library         307

Chapter 8: The IO Library         309

8.1 The IO Classes   310

8.2 File Input and Output   316

8.3 string Streams   321

Chapter Summary   324

Defined Terms    324


Chapter 9: Sequential Containers        325

9.1 Overview of the Sequential Containers   326

9.2 Container Library Overview   328

9.3 Sequential Container Operations    341

9.4 How a vector Grows   355

9.5 Additional string Operations   360

9.6 Container Adaptors   368

Chapter Summary   372

Defined Terms   372


Chapter 10: Generic Algorithms        375

10.1 Overview   376

10.2 A First Look at the Algorithms   378

10.3 Customizing Operations   385

10.4 Revisiting Iterators   401

10.5 Structure of Generic Algorithms   410

10.6 Container-Specific Algorithms    415

Chapter Summary    417

Defined Terms   417


Chapter 11: Associative Containers        419

11.1 Using an Associative Container   420

11.2 Overview of the Associative Containers   423

11.3 Operations on Associative Containers   428

11.4 The Unordered Containers   443

Chapter Summary   447

Defined Terms    447


Chapter 12: Dynamic Memory        449

12.1 Dynamic Memory and Smart Pointers   450

12.2 Dynamic Arrays   476

12.3 Using the Library: A Text-Query Program   484

Chapter Summary   491

Defined Terms   491


Part III: Tools for Class Authors         493

Chapter 13: Copy Control        495

13.1 Copy, Assign, and Destroy   496

13.2 Copy Control and Resource Management    510

13.3 Swap   516

13.4 A Copy-Control Example    519

13.5 Classes that Manage Dynamic Memory    524

13.6 Moving Objects    531

Chapter Summary   549

Defined Terms    549


Chapter 14: Overloaded Operations and Conversions        551

14.1 Basic Concepts   552

14.2 Input and Output Operators    556

14.3 Arithmetic and Relational Operators   560

14.4 Assignment Operators    563

14.5 Subscript Operator    564

14.6 Increment and Decrement Operators   566

14.7 Member Access Operators   569

14.8 Function-Call Operator   571

14.9 Overloading, Conversions, and Operators   579

Chapter Summary   590

Defined Terms    590


Chapter 15: Object-Oriented Programming        591

15.1 OOP: An Overview    592  

15.2 Defining Base and Derived Classes   594

15.3 Virtual Functions    603

15.4 Abstract Base Classes    608

15.5 Access Control and Inheritance    511

15.6 Class Scope under Inheritance    617

15.7 Constructors and Copy Control    622

15.8 Containers and Inheritance    630

15.9 Text Queries Revisited    634

Chapter Summary    649

Defined Terms   649


Chapter 16: Templates and Generic Programming        651

16.1 Defining a Template   652

16.2 Template Argument Deduction   678

16.3 Overloading and Templates    694

16.4 Variadic Templates   699

16.5 Template Specializations    706

Chapter Summary   713

Defined Terms   713


Part IV: Advanced Topics        715

Chapter 17: Specialized Library Facilities        717

17.1 The tuple Type    718

17.2 The bitset Type   723

17.3 Regular Expressions   728

17.4 Random Numbers   745

17.5 The IO Library Revisited    752

Chapter Summary    769

Defined Terms    769


Chapter 18: Tools for Large Programs        771

18.1 Exception Handling    772

18.2 Namespaces    785

18.3 Multiple and Virtual Inheritance   802

Chapter Summary    816

Defined Terms    816


Chapter 19: Specialized Tools and Techniques        819

19.1 Controlling Memory Allocation   820

19.2 Run-Time Type Identification   825

19.3 Enumerations   832

19.4 Pointer to Class Member    835

19.5 Nested Classes   843

19.6 Union: A Space-Saving Class    847

19.7 Local Classes    852

19.8 Inherently Nonportable Features    854

Chapter Summary   862

Defined Terms    862


Appendix A: The Library        865

A.1 Library Names and Headers   866

A.2 A Brief Tour of the Algorithms    870

A.3 Random Numbers    882


Index        887


Stanley B. Lippman has retired back to the Catalina Foothills where he is working on EEEK!, a computational model of the nervous system of the House Mouse, and An Off By One Error, a speculative novel set in the Northwestern Rain Forest. During his professional career, Stanley served as Distinguished Consultant for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Architect for the Visual C++ development group at Microsoft, member of technical staff at Bell Laboratories, two stints in Massive Multiplayer Online Gaming, and a surprisingly long stint in Feature Animation at Disney, DreamWorks, Pixar, and PDI. Stanley will be most remembered for his many years working with Dr. Stroustrup on the implementation of cfront, the standard implementation of C++ until the ISO standard.

Josée Lajoie, now at Pixar, was a member of IBM Canada’s C/C++ compiler development team, and chaired the core language working group for the original ANSI/ISO C++ standardization committee.

Barbara E. Moo has nearly thirty years of software experience. During her fifteen years at AT&T, she worked closely with C++ inventor Bjarne Stroustrup and managed the C++ development team for several years.

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