Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene, 11th edition

Published by Pearson (December 5, 2018) © 2019

  • Chris Le Baudour
  • J David Bergeron Southern Maine Technical College
  • Keith Wesley


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For courses in emergency medical responder programs.

Help students think like EMRs

Emergency Medical Responder is the leader in the field. It provides clear, first responder-level training for fire service, emergency, law enforcement, military, civil and industrial personnel. The text is based on the new National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards for Emergency Medical Responders. It also includes the 2017 Focused Updates from the American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and First Aid.

The 11th Edition has been fully updated for consistency with the latest industry standards. It also covers new topics recently introduced into emergency medical responder programs.

Hallmark features of this title

Fundamental EMR skills and knowledge

  • The most up-to-date evidence-based medical practices are covered in each chapter, with an emphasis on the “why” of patient presentation.
  • Step-by-step skills are presented in 90 photo scans, giving the reader a quick reference resource.
  • First on Scene Run Review feature at the end of each chapter includes critical-thinking questions related to a given First on Scene scenario. Students are prompted to consider how they might have responded differently to the scenario.

New and updated features of this title

New medical and administrative topics

  • NEW: New topics include Zika and Ebola, the new Hepatitis B vaccine for adults, and hospice care (Ch. 3), plus HIPAA privacy concerns, error correction on electronic and paper PCRs, and the use of smartphone apps for patient documentation (Ch. 8).
  • NEW: New blood pressure guidelines from the American Hospital Association are included (Ch. 12).
  • NEW: New content on trauma-related respiratory compromise, plus pulmonary edema, pneumonia, and agonal respirations, is new to this edition (Ch. 15).

Critical-thinking opportunities

  • ENHANCED: First on Scene scenarios throughout chapters place students in realistic emergency scenarios, offering a perspective unavailable in any other training resource.
  • REVISED: Quick Quizzes at the end of each chapter have been revised to better assess the cognitive objectives. They include multiple-choice questions tied to DOT objectives, plus added learning tasks.

Features of MyLab Brady for the 11th Edition

  • A multimedia library includes supporting visual and audio media, among other resources. It lets you build assignments, supplement your lectures, and offer students a wealth of related material.
  • Mobile-optimized full-chapter audio give students a way to listen to chapters through their eText or the multimedia library.
  • EXPANDED: More than 60 new skills videos concisely demonstrate the correct way to perform procedures step by step.
  • NEW: New interactive whiteboard lecture videos feature the author explaining difficult concepts, while illustrating points with images and diagrams.
  • Pearson eText is an easy-to-use digital textbook available within MyLab. It lets students read, highlight and take notes all in one place, even offline.
  1. Introduction to EMS Systems
  2. Legal and Ethical Principles of Emergency Care
  3. Wellness and Safety of the Emergency Medical Responder
  4. Introduction to Medical Terminology, Human Anatomy, and Lifespan Development
  5. Introduction to Pathophysiology
  6. Principles of Lifting, Moving, and Positioning of Patients
  7. Principles of Effective Communication
  8. Principles of Effective Documentation
  9. Principles of Airway Management and Ventilation
  10. Principles of Oxygen Therapy
  11. Principles of Resuscitation
  12. Obtaining a Medical History and Vital Signs
  13. Principles of Patient Assessment
  14. Caring for Cardiac Emergencies
  15. Caring for Respiratory Emergencies
  16. Caring for Common Medical Emergencies
  17. Caring for Environmental Emergencies
  18. Caring for Soft-Tissue Injuries and Bleeding
  19. Recognition and Care of Shock
  20. Caring for Muscle and Bone Injuries
  21. Caring for Head and Spinal Injuries
  22. Caring for Chest and Abdominal Emergencies
  23. Care During Pregnancy and Childbirth
  24. Caring for Infants and Children
  25. Special Considerations for the Geriatric Patient
  26. Introduction to EMS Operations and Hazardous Response
  27. Introduction to Multiple-Casualty Incidents, the Incident Command System, and Triage


  1. Patient Monitoring Devices
  2. Principles of Pharmacology
  3. Air Medical Transport Operations
  4. Introduction to Terrorism Response and Weapons of Mass Destruction

About our authors

Chris Le Baudour has been working in the EMS field since 1978. In 1984, Chris began his teaching career in the Department of Public Safety-EMS Division at Santa Rosa Junior College in Santa Rosa, California.

Chris holds a master's degree in education with an emphasis in online teaching and learning as well as numerous EMS and instructional certifications. Chris has spent the past 30 years mastering the art of experiential learning in EMS and is well known for his innovative classroom techniques and his passion for both teaching and learning in both traditional and online classrooms.

Chris is very involved in EMS education at the national level. He served for six years as a board member of the National Association of EMS Educators and advises many organizations throughout the country. Chris is a frequent presenter at both state and national conferences and is a prolific EMS writer.

Along with numerous articles, he is the author of Emergency Care for First Responders and coauthor of EMT Complete: A Basic Worktext, and an Emergency Medical Responder Workbook and Active Learning Manual for the EMT-Basic. Chris and his wife, Audrey, have two children and reside in northern California.

David Bergeron was very active in the development of instructional and training programs for the emergency medical services (EMS) for more than 35 years. His early work included a front-row seat to the development of modern patient assessment and care inspired by the studies of Dr. R. Adams Cowley, Maryland Shock Trauma Center, Maryland Institute of EMS Systems, and Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute (MFRI).

David's work in instructional development for emergency medicine included EMT-Basic, Emergency Medical Responder (First Responder), EMT-Intermediate, and EMT-Paramedic student and instructor programs. He is credited with writing the first comprehensive textbook for the first responder, for establishing the first behavioral objectives for EMTs, and for being the first to develop a full-course glossary for EMT instruction.

As well as having served as an instructional technologist on leading textbooks in emergency medicine, David was on the teaching faculty of the University of Maryland, Longwood University, and numerous community colleges and schools of nursing. His publications include textbooks that have been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Lithuanian and Japanese. David passed away on April 10, 2012, after a long illness.

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