Range Management: Principles and Practices, 6th edition

Published by Pearson (April 8, 2010) © 2011

  • Jerry L. Holechek
  • Rex Pieper
  • Carlton H. Herbel

  • Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
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For introductory Range Management courses.

This up-to-date, easy-to-read text brings together the key principles and practices of contemporary range management, presenting them in logical sequence as concisely and efficiently as possible. The authors introduce the fundamentals of range management using current and relevant scientific studies and practical examples, and illustrating key concepts with pictures, figures, and tables. Grazing management is emphasized, and several other aspects of range management are given comprehensive coverage. In particular, this edition has been updated with comprehensive information on highly relevant issues such as range animal behavior, economics, energy, and multiple use environments.

Hallmark Features

Comprehensive, up-to-date coverage reflecting the latest trends, economic realities, technologies, and science–Presents more complete and current topic coverage than any other book in the field

  • Provides a single source students can rely upon for virtually any range management topic

Exceptionally easy to read and easy to use–This book is extensively illustrated and written to be accessible to any reader with a high school background

  • Supports effective learning, regardless of student background 

Practical, managerial focus–Covers the modern techniques and concepts that are needed to manage rangelands profitably and sustainably

  • Prepares students for successful careers in any modern range management or ranching role 

Step-by-step coverage of essential calculations–Walks through calculating stocking rate, grazing use, and range condition and trend. 

  • Helps students master the calculations that are essential to successful range management 

Solid pedagogical features–Includes chapter overviews, definitions of key terms, case studies, web links, summaries, and more

  • Simplifies learning, helping students master more material, more quickly

New! Includes two sections on range animal behavior–introduces range animal behavior in the context of improving both livestock distribution and production, showing how to reduce losses from poisonous plants, reduce wolf plants and patch grazing, and more

  • Helps students master the latest science-based techniques for optimizing livestock distribution and production 

New! Presents a chapter-length introduction to rangeland economics–Covers essential economic terms and principles in the context of range management, and offers increasingly essential information on profitability factors, economic strategies for ranchers, risk management, budgeting, and much more

  • Gives students detailed help in meeting the difficult economic challenges they will encounter as working ranchers and range management professionals 
New! Extended coverage of rangelands, energy production, and energy efficiency–Integrates far more coverage of energy issues throughout the book, revealing the increasing role of rangelands in producing energy and moderating global warming
  • Helps students understand and make decisions about technologies such as wind power, biomass, and solar  

New! Increased coverage of multiple use techniques–Introduces best practices for providing profitable recreation opportunities on rangelands concurrently with animal production

  • Helps students master important new options for earning revenue from rangelands and safeguarding ranches for future generations 

New! Expanded coverage of satellite imagery for range management–Covers recent breakthroughs in the use of satellite imagery to monitor vegetation characteristics and changes, as well as range animal behavior attributes

  • Shows students how to apply the latest satellite technologies to manage rangelands more profitably and sustainably   

New! Study questions after every chapter–Supports all topics with hands-on practice

  • Helps students deepen their knowledge and gain practical mastery more quickly


Conversion from a Metric Unit to the English Equivalent


Chapter 1 Rangeland and Man

Chapter 2 Range Management History

Chapter 3 Rangeland Physical Characteristics

Chapter 4 Description of Rangeland Types

Chapter 5 Range Plant Physiology

Chapter 6 Range Ecology

Chapter 7 Range Inventory and Monitoring

Chapter 8 Considerations Concerning Stocking Rate

Chapter 9 Selection of Grazing Methods

Chapter 10 Methods of Improving Livestock Distribution

Chapter 11 Range Animal Nutrition

Chapter 12 Range Management for Multiple Use

Chapter 13 Range Livestock Production

Chapter 14 Range Wildlife Management

Chapter 15 Manipulation of Range Vegetation

Chapter 16 Range Management in Developing Countries

Chapter 17 Rangeland Economics

Chapter 18 Range Management Planning, Computers, and the Future



Answers to Study Questions and Definitions

Literature Cited



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