Modern Database Management, 13th edition

Published by Pearson (January 2, 2018) © 2019

  • Jeff Hoffer
  • Ramesh Venkataraman Indiana University
  • Heikki Topi Bentley University


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For courses in database management.

A comprehensive text on the latest in database development

Using sound pedagogy, Modern Database Management presents topics critical to the practical success of database professionals. Focused on what leading database practitioners say are the most important aspects to database development, the text serves as a practical guide.

The 13th Edition reflects rapid change due to improved managerial practices, database design tools, methodologies, and database technology (such as application security, multi-user solutions, and more). Updates cover key trends in the field and skills newly required of IS graduates.

Hallmark features of this title

Current industry trends and best practices

  • Up-to-date coverage is ensured by the authors' partnership with Data Management Association (DAMA), the Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI), and leading consultants and authors.

Streamlined and flexible

  • Modular organization lets instructors teach in the order they prefer, choosing which topics to emphasize (e.g., move from Ch. 1 directly to Ch. 5 & 6 to cover SQL early, supported by SQL examples throughout the text).
  • The flexible design of chapter introductions and summaries allows instructors to easily access and use these features to support their chosen course objectives.
  • End-of-chapter Problems and Exercises, hands-on Field Exercises, and an in-depth running Case challenge students to put concepts into action.

New and updated features of this title

Current industry trends and best practices

  • NEW: The 13th Edition has been updated and revised throughout to keep pace with changes in the field. Among the updates, you'll find content on:
    • Big data technologies (Ch. 10)
    • Analytics (Ch. 11)
    • Transaction integrity, designing multi-user solutions, and application-level security (Ch. 7).

Streamlined and flexible

  • NEW: A redesigned, overarching framework gives readers a clearer overview of core topic areas and communicates the increasing importance of informational systems, while maintaining the text's hallmark treatment of transactional systems.

Highlights of the DIGITAL UPDATE for Pearson eText (available for Spring 2021 classes)

Instructors, contact your sales rep to ensure you have the most recent version of the course.

  • Links and dates updated for currency.
  • New interactivities in every chapter include Image Hotspots, Figure Animations and Drag and Drop Review Questions.

I. The Context of Database Management

1. The Database Environment and Development Process


II. Database Analysis and Logical Design

2. Modeling Data in the Organization

3. The Enhanced E-R Model

4. Logical Database Design and the Relational Model


III. Database Implementation and Use

5. Introduction to SQL

6. Advanced SQL

7. Databases in Applications

8. Physical Database Design and Database Infrastructure


IV. Advanced Database Topics

9. Data Warehousing and Data Integration

10. Big Data Technologies

11. Analytics and Its Implications

12. Data and Database Administration with Focus on Data Quality


Online Chapters

13. Distributed Databases

14. Object-Oriented Data Modeling

Appendix A. Data Modeling Tools and Notation

Appendix B. Advanced Normal Forms

Appendix C. Data Structures

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