Classroom Management: A Proactive Approach, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (July 6, 2009) © 2010

  • Martin Henley

  • Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
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  • “The Classroom Management Pyramid,” is a visual model for readers–utilized in order to help organize the major themes featured throughout the text.
    o Helps the reader understand how complex interactions form a platform for effective classroom management, and enhances understanding.
  • Anecdotes are used liberally throughout the text–to help the reader better understand in a concrete fashion how specific strategies are put into practices, hence enhancing readability.
  • Covers some of the most contemporary educational issues–including bullying, cliques, at-risk and special education students.o Provides practical application of research-based practices such as social skill instruction.
  • Provides practical and research-based alternatives to promote self efficacy and avoid punishment and rewards as motivators.  Promotes how motivation is the most important single issue in classroom management.
    o Instructs educators on the benefits of encouraging their students to take risks, trust their thinking, and move beyond the burden of “right” vs. “wrong” answers.
  • Chapters have been re-organized to enhance readability –Readers will now get the big or abstract ideas in the beginning, followed by examples of how these ideas are put into practice.o Each chapter now follows a consistent format. 
  • Text is aligned with NCATE including early childhood (NAYEC), elementary (ACEI) and special education (CEC) professional standards–assures professors and their students that the content of the text reflects current ethical and professional standards.
  • Enhanced sections on theoretical approaches to human behavior–such as developmental, psychodynamic, biophysical, behaviorist, and psycho-educational theories. 
    o This enhanced feature will enable students to understand how assumptions about why students behave as they do influence teacher practices.
  • The section on basic needs has been enhanced considerably in the second edition–specific in terms of describing how elements of community address basic needs and types of behavior that students engage in when their basic needs are not addressed.
  • Three previous chapters on community have now been reduced to two chapters–not onlyenhancing the readability of the text, but also provides a more sturdy foundation for following sections on prevention and positive behavior supports.

Chapter 1  An Introduction to Proactive Classroom Management

PART I.    Community

Chapter 2  Building a Classroom Community

Chapter 3  Developing Positive Student-Teacher Relationships

PART II.    Prevention

Chapter 4  Managing Groups

Chapter 5  Enhancing Student Motivation

Chapter 6  Engaged Learning

PART III.    Positive Behavioral Supports

Chapter 7  Proactive Behavioral Intervention Strategies

Chapter 8  Managing Problem Behaviors

Chapter 9  Students with Emotional Problems

Appendix A  The Self-Control Inventory

Appendix B  The Proactive Classroom Management Checklist

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