Making of the Economic Society, The, 13th edition

Published by Pearson (July 6, 2011) © 2012

  • Robert L. Heilbroner New School for Social Research
  • William Milberg New School for Social Research



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For courses on Economics and Society, Economic History, Economic History of the West,  and The History of Capitalism.

Heilbroner/Milberg is the only introductory level text that traces the development of our economic society from the Middle Ages to the present, offering a balanced perspective on why our economy is the way it is and where it may be headed.

Heilbroner/Milberg is the only introductory level text that traces the development of our economic society from the Middle Ages to the present, offering a balanced perspective on why our economy is the way it is and where it may be headed.

"Would you like an introductory level book that gives students a historical perspective on how our market economy came to be?  Would you also like a book that helps students contemplate where our economic society is headed in the future?"

Although the first part of The Making of Economic Society has as its purpose explaining how the economy came to be what it is, the second part seeks to help us anticipate what that world may look like in the future.

"Are you considering this book for a freshmen level non-majors course, or are you considering it for a course taught to economics majors?"

Heilbroner/Milberg was written to be accessible to readers, regardless of their economic background and it is widely used in courses taught to freshmen and sophomores, as well as juniors and seniors. 

New to this Edition:

NEW!  Chapter on the "Great Recession" of 2007-2008 with analysis of its causes and a comparison to the Great Depression.
  • NEW!  Discussion of "Why Bubbles form and Why they Burst" with historical references and a review of some theories of financial crisis.
  • NEW!  Reflection on the future of economic thought in light of the recent failure of economists to predict the crisis of 2007-2008.
  • Expanded details & Updated information

    To reflect the most recent data, all tables & graphs have been updated where appropriate.
  • In this latest edition, the authors expanded details on the rise of China to world economic importance
  • In addition,  an updated discussion of the workings of "tradition" on the means of solving the economic problem
  • Hilbroner/Milberg, The Making of the Economic Society 13e

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1     

    The Economic Problem

    Chapter 2     

    The Premarket Economy

    Chapter 3   

    The Emergence of Market Society

    Chapter 4    

    The Inductrial Revolution

    Chapter 5    

    The Impact of Industrial Technology

    Chapter 6    

    The Great Depression

    Chapter 7    

    The Rise of the Public Sector

    Chapter 8    

    Modern Capitalism Emerges in Europe

    Chapter 9    

    The Golden Age of Capitalism

    Chapter 10    

    The Rise and Fall of Socialism

    Chapter 11    

    Why Some Nations Remain Poor, Emerging Markets and the Persistence of Global Poverty

    Chapter 12     

    The Great Recession in Historical Perspective

    Chapter 13    

    Problems and Possibilities

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