Introduction to Wireless Digital Communication: A Signal Processing Perspective, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (March 22, 2017) © 2017

  • Robert W. Heath

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Developed and proven as part of a special laboratory course at the University of Texas, this unique book makes wireless communication accessible both to undergraduates and to practicing electrical engineers who haven't specialised in communications.

Introduction to Wireless Digital Communication: A Signal Processing Perspective goes beyond broad survey coverage, while assuming the right mathematical depth for undergraduates and building on the foundational DSP knowledge most of them already have. Using this text, instructors can teach wireless technologies without requiring other analog or digital communication prerequisites.

Robert W. Heath, Jr.  presents:

  • A comprehensive view of communication in wireless channels that accounts for practical impairments
  • Algorithms for channel estimation, equalisation, frame synchronisation, and carrier frequency offset synchronisation
  • Focused coverage of widely-deployed quadrature pulse amplitude modulation technology
  • Least squared estimation techniques, building on the linear algebra typically taught to electrical engineering undergraduates
  • Modular, "less is more" coverage of realistic example cases, rather than an attempt to help students solve every single problem that might arise
  • Introduces wireless communication at the right level for undergraduates, relying on widely-taught DSP concepts and just the right mathematical depth
  • Covers essential algorithms for channel estimation, equalization, frame synchronization, and carrier frequency offset synchronization
  • Focuses on widely-used Quadrature Pulse Amplitude Modulation (QPAM) techniques
  • Supported by engaging examples, homework problems, instructor notes and PowerPoint presentations, Solutions Manual, MATLAB Manual, and more
  • The latest book in the respected Prentice Hall Communications Engineering and Emerging Technologies Series from Ted Rappaport

Preface xiii

Acknowledgments xvii

About the Author xix


Chapter 1: Introduction 1

1.1 Introduction to Wireless Communication 1

1.2 Wireless Systems 2

1.3 Signal Processing for Wireless Communication 14

1.4 Contributions of This Book 17

1.5 Outline of This Book 18

1.6 Symbols and Common Definitions 20

1.7 Summary 22

Problems 23


Chapter 2: An Overview of Digital Communication 27

2.1 Introduction to Digital Communication 27

2.2 Overview of a Wireless Digital Communication Link 28

2.3 Wireless Channel 31

2.4 Source Coding and Decoding 36

2.5 Encryption and Decryption 40

2.6 Channel Coding and Decoding 41

2.7 Modulation and Demodulation 47

2.8 Summary 57

Problems 57


Chapter 3: Signal Processing Fundamentals 63

3.1 Signals and Systems 63

3.2 Statistical Signal Processing 91

3.3 Signal Processing with Passband Signals 114

3.4 Multirate Signal Processing 129

3.5 Linear Estimation 137

3.6 Summary 150

Problems 151


Chapter 4: Digital Modulation and Demodulation 171

4.1 Transmitter for Complex Pulse-Amplitude Modulation 171

4.2 Symbol Mapping and Constellations 174

4.3 Computing the Bandwidth and Power of x(t) 182

4.4 Communication in the AWGN Channel 183

4.5 Digital Implementation of Pulse Shaping 202

4.6 Summary 207

Problems 208


Chapter 5: Dealing with Impairments 219

5.1 Frequency-Flat Wireless Channels 220

5.2 Equalization of Frequency-Selective Channels 241

5.3 Estimating Frequency-Selective Channels 259

5.4 Carrier Frequency Offset Correction in Frequency-Selective Channels 270

5.5 Introduction to Wireless Propagation 282

5.6 Large-Scale Channel Models 285

5.7 Small-Scale Fading Selectivity 292

5.8 Small-Scale Channel Models 302

5.9 Summary 309

Problems 310


Chapter 6: MIMO Communication 335

6.1 Introduction to Multi-antenna Communication 335

6.2 Receiver Diversity for Flat-Fading SIMO Systems 343

6.3 Transmit Diversity for MISO Systems 353

6.4 MIMO Transceiver Techniques 364

6.5 MIMO-OFDM Transceiver Techniques 386

6.6 Summary 394

Problems 395


References 399

Index 427

Robert W. Heath, Jr., received B.S. and M.S. degrees from The University of Virginia in 1996 and 1997, respectively, and a Ph.D. from Stanford University in 2002, all in electrical engineering. From 1998 to 2001, he was a senior member of the technical staff and then a senior consultant at Iospan Wireless, Inc., where he worked on the design and implementation of the physical and link layers of the first commercial MIMO-OFDM communication system. He is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Carolina State University. He is also the president and CEO of MIMO Wireless Inc. His research interests include several aspects of wireless communication and signal processing: 5G cellular systems, MIMO communication, millimeter wave communication, adaptive video transmission, manifold signal processing, as well as applications of wireless communication to automotive, aerial vehicles, and wearable networks. He is a coauthor of Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications (Prentice Hall, 2015) and author of Digital Wireless Communication (National Technology and Science Press, 2012).

Dr. Heath is a coauthor of several best-paper award recipients, including recently the 2010 and 2013 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking best paper awards, the 2012 Signal Processing Magazine best paper award, a 2013 Signal Processing Society best paper award, 2014 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing best paper award, the 2014 Journal of Communications and Networks best paper award, the 2016 IEEE Communications Society Fred W. Ellersick Prize, and the 2016 IEEE Communications and  Information Theory Societies Joint Paper Award. He was a distinguished lecturer in the IEEE Signal Processing Society and is an ISI Highly Cited Researcher. He is also an elected member of the Board of Governors for the IEEE Signal Processing Society, a licensed amateur radio operator, a private pilot, and a registered professional engineer in Texas.

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