Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xvii
About the Author xix
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction to Wireless Communication 1
1.2 Wireless Systems 2
1.3 Signal Processing for Wireless Communication 14
1.4 Contributions of This Book 17
1.5 Outline of This Book 18
1.6 Symbols and Common Definitions 20
1.7 Summary 22
Problems 23
Chapter 2: An Overview of Digital Communication 27
2.1 Introduction to Digital Communication 27
2.2 Overview of a Wireless Digital Communication Link 28
2.3 Wireless Channel 31
2.4 Source Coding and Decoding 36
2.5 Encryption and Decryption 40
2.6 Channel Coding and Decoding 41
2.7 Modulation and Demodulation 47
2.8 Summary 57
Problems 57
Chapter 3: Signal Processing Fundamentals 63
3.1 Signals and Systems 63
3.2 Statistical Signal Processing 91
3.3 Signal Processing with Passband Signals 114
3.4 Multirate Signal Processing 129
3.5 Linear Estimation 137
3.6 Summary 150
Problems 151
Chapter 4: Digital Modulation and Demodulation 171
4.1 Transmitter for Complex Pulse-Amplitude Modulation 171
4.2 Symbol Mapping and Constellations 174
4.3 Computing the Bandwidth and Power of x(t) 182
4.4 Communication in the AWGN Channel 183
4.5 Digital Implementation of Pulse Shaping 202
4.6 Summary 207
Problems 208
Chapter 5: Dealing with Impairments 219
5.1 Frequency-Flat Wireless Channels 220
5.2 Equalization of Frequency-Selective Channels 241
5.3 Estimating Frequency-Selective Channels 259
5.4 Carrier Frequency Offset Correction in Frequency-Selective Channels 270
5.5 Introduction to Wireless Propagation 282
5.6 Large-Scale Channel Models 285
5.7 Small-Scale Fading Selectivity 292
5.8 Small-Scale Channel Models 302
5.9 Summary 309
Problems 310
Chapter 6: MIMO Communication 335
6.1 Introduction to Multi-antenna Communication 335
6.2 Receiver Diversity for Flat-Fading SIMO Systems 343
6.3 Transmit Diversity for MISO Systems 353
6.4 MIMO Transceiver Techniques 364
6.5 MIMO-OFDM Transceiver Techniques 386
6.6 Summary 394
Problems 395
References 399
Index 427