Behavior in Organizations, 10th edition
Published by Pearson (July 21, 2010) © 2011
- Jerald Greenberg The Ohio State University
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Unique and current insight on the everyday processes and phenomena of OB.
Behavior in Organizations shows students the real world of OB through its blend of cutting-edge research and practical applications. This text then challenges students to take theory one step further by having them put the concepts into action.
The many changes in the tenth edition reflect the authors’ never-ending mission to present a balance between knowledge and application, while including coverage on the latest advances in the field.
- A friendly and approachable writing style that speaks to readers in straightforward prose.
- Contemporary material provides students with examples that they can really connect with, including organisations like Facebook and Apple, and cross-functional teams like Dave Matthews Band.
- Summary and Review of Learning Objectives highlight the key points within the text so that students can easily locate them while reading or studying.
- Talking Graphics illustrate the important aspects of OB research in order to enhance the explanations for visually oriented learners.
- OB in Practice. This text describes either the practices used in today’s organisations or principles that readily lend themselves to application. Examples include:
- How the “Good Hands People” Use Diversity as a Competitive Weapon. (Chapter 6)
- Organisational Design Strategies in the Information Age. (Chapter 15)
- A Dynamic Workplace. This text highlights two significant realities of contemporary organisations–shifts in demographic diversity and rapid globalisation of the business environment. Examples include:
- Do Men and Women Respond Differently to Stress? (Chapter 5)
- Inequity in Housework: Comparing Married Women and Men. (Chapter 7)
- Ethics Angle. This feature highlights the importance of understanding ethics by asking students to consider issues like:
- Making a Business Case for Ethical Behavior. (Chapter 2)
- Are IQ Tests Inherently Unethical? (Chapter 4)
- Balancing Theory and Practical Application. This text takes the findings from OB research and shows students how these concepts can be applied in organisations. Examples include:
- Chapter 6 shows specific ways in which the various theories of motivation can be put into practice.
- Chapter 10 presents various scientific studies on decision-making, along with the practices that are used to enhance the effectiveness of group decisions.
- Balancing Knowledge and Skills. There is a fundamental distinction between providing knowledge and developing skills. In the field of OB, this distinction becomes blurred, which is why the authors pay special attention to both knowledge and skills throughout the text. Examples include:
- Chapter 5 describes ways in which stress operates in the workplace and includes an exercise to help readers cope with the adverse effects of stress.
- Chapter 9 covers the nature of the communication process and contains exercises designed to promote active listening skills.
- Chapter 13 describes the nature of leadership and provides an exercise that encourages readers to develop their own leadership skills.
- The Points to Ponder feature includes three types of questions:
- Questions for Review. These questions are designed to help students assess their grasp on the major points covered in the chapter.
- Experiential Questions. These questions get students to understand the OB phenomena covered in the chapter by encouraging them to think about various experiences that may have occurred in their work lives.
- Questions to Analyse. These questions are designed to help readers think about the connections between various OB con
- Balancing Theory and Practical Application. This text takes the findings from OB research and shows students how these concepts can be applied in organizations. Examples include:
- Chapter 6 shows specific ways in which the various theories of motivation can be put into practice.
- Chapter 10 presents various scientific studies on decision-making, along with the practices that are used to enhance the effectiveness of group decisions.
- Balancing Knowledge and Skills. There is a fundamental distinction between providing knowledge and developing skills. In the field of OB, this distinction becomes blurred, which is why the authors pay special attention to both knowledge and skills throughout the text. Examples include:
- Chapter 5 describes ways in which stress operates in the workplace and includes an exercise to help readers cope with the adverse effects of stress.
- Chapter 9 covers the nature of the communication process and contains exercises designed to promote active listening skills.
- Chapter 13 describes the nature of leadership and provides an exercise that encourages readers to develop their own leadership skills.
Chapter 1: The Field of Organizational Behavior
Chapter 2: Organizational Justice, Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility
Part 2: Basic Human Processes
Chapter 3: Perception and Learning: Understanding and Adapting to the Work Environment
Chapter 4: Individual Differences: Personality, Skills, and Abilities
Chapter 5: Coping with Organizational Life: Emotions and Stress
Part 3: The Individual in the Organization
Chapter 6: Work-Related Attitudes: Prejudice, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment
Chapter 7: Motivation in Organizations
Part 4: Group Dynamics
Chapter 8: Group Dynamics and Work Teams
Chapter 9: Communication in Organizations
Chapter 10: Decision-Making in Organizations
Chapter 11: Interpersonal Behavior at Work: Conflict, Cooperation, Trust, and Deviance
Part 5: Influencing Others
Chapter 12: Power: Its Uses and Abuses in Organizations
Chapter 13: Leadership in Organizations
Part 6: Organizational Processes
Chapter 14: Organizational Culture, Creativity, and Innovation
Chapter 15: Organizational Structure and Design
Chapter 16: Managing Organizational Change: Strategic Planning and Organizational Development
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