Policy Studies for Educational Leaders: An Introduction, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (March 14, 2012) © 2013

  • Frances C. Fowler Miami University of Ohio


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Students get a comprehensive look at all aspects of educational policy—theory, analysis, development, and implementation. They also see the reasons for change in educational policy, ways to track its evolution, and techniques for influencing its ultimatedestination.


The issues are all put into perspective for readers through an enlightening look at the history of educational policy.


The major concepts are reinforced for students through News Stories for Analysis and Case Studies sections that address current issues such as charter schools, bilingual education, high-stakes testing, and the implementation of the No Child Left Behind act.


Readers get understandable, up-to-date information presented through numerous current examples of educational policy issues and problems.


The concepts are made exceptionally clear through focus questions at the beginning of each chapter and instructional activities and suggestions for further reading at the ends of chapters.

The Fourth Edition of this highly authoritative, widely-popular text features all new “News Stories for Analysis” sections, new information on the economy and demographic information based on the 2010 census, a chart that links parts of the book and the new ISLCC standards, a section on distributive leadership and power, a section on the Tea Party Movement, an up-dated discussion of the factions within the Democratic party, many opportunities to use the Internet to further explore the concepts, new figures and tables, and a glossary of important terms.


  • Opportunities for pertinent classroom discussions or writing assignments about current issues in the all new “News Stories for Analysis” sections throughout the book help to bring the concepts to life for students.
  • Students are lead to a better understanding of the policy issues facing schools today through new information on the economy, including the Great Recession, as well as demographic information based on the 2010 census. (Chapter 5)
  • To help students see how their course relates to what is expected of them professionally, the links between various parts of the book and new ISLCC standards are made clear on a chart included on the inside front cover.
  • Students get additional current, immediately useful knowledge they can use as they think about various matters and act on them. Included is a section on distributive leadership and power, a section on the Tea Party Movement, and an up-dated discussion of the factions within the Democratic party.
  • Students get a chance to use the Internet to track educational policy through the book’s numerous Internet assignments at the end of most chapters. In addition, two appendices of URLs offer students and teachers a ready-made repertoire of Internet resources to use for in-class and homework assignments, as well as individual self-study projects.
  • Important points are made particularly clear through a variety of illustrative figures and tables throughout the book.
  • Special terminology is highlighted in a glossary of important terms at the end of the book.
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1: Policy–What It Is and Where It Comes From
  • Chapter 2:  Power and Education Policy
  • Chapter 3:  The Economy and Demographics
  • Chapter 4:  The Political System and Political Culture 
  • Chapter 5:  Values and Ideology
  • Chapter 6:  The Major Education Policy Actors
  • Chapter 7:  Setting the Stage and Getting on It: Issue Definition and Agenda Setting
  • Chapter 8:  Getting the Words and the Money: Policy Formulation and Policy Adoption
  • Chapter 9:  Looking at Policies: Policy Instruments and Cost Effectiveness
  • Chapter 10:  Policy Implementation: Getting People to Carry Out a Policy
  • Chapter 11:  Policy Evaluation: Determining If the Policy Works
  • Chapter 12:  Education Policy in the United States: Retrospective and Prospective
  • Glossary 
Frances Fowler worked as a classroom teacher in Tennessee for 15 years. During that time she was active in both her union and her school district and was also involved in state and local politics. Eventually, she became so interested in politics and policy that she completed her Ph.D. at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where she majored in educational administration with a concentration in educational politics and policy. In 1990 she accepted a tenure-track position at Miami University, where she taught educational politics and policy for 19 years, ending her higher education career as a Full Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in her department.  Frances retired in 2009 and she remains politically active at the local level and is active on the Education Committee of the Cincinnati Area League of Women Voters. In addition to this book, she is also a co-author of Educational Governance and Administration

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