Electronic Devices (Conventional Current Version), 10th edition
Published by Pearson (January 5, 2017) © 2018
- Thomas L. Floyd
- David M. Buchla
- Steven Wetterling
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Provides a solid foundation in basic principles and then moves into practical applications of those principles. The book provides up-to-date, complete coverage of basic circuits and concepts–and then coverage of analog integrated circuits.
Allows students to see how theory can be applied to a real-world situation.
The Device Application at the end of most chapters shows how a specific device or circuit is used and takes students through the steps of design specification, simulation, prototyping, circuit board implementation, and testing.
To give students even more practice, the Device Applicationscoordinate with an available laboratory manual by Dave Buchla.
A Programmable Analog Design feature(Chapters 12—16) offers students an introduction to analyzing and designing analog circuits by programming FPAAs (field programmable analog arrays) or dpASPs (dynamically programmable analog signal processors).
Teaches students practical troubleshooting techniques. Throughout the text, troubleshooting sections present methods and procedures for identifying, isolating, and correcting faulty devices and circuits.
Shows students how to use and apply the concepts and then solve a similar problem on their own. Numerous worked-out examples illustrate and clarify concepts or procedures. A corresponding Related Problem allows students to solve a similar problem on their own.
Provides students with relevant illustrations of equipment and schematics they will encounter in the field. Hundreds of full-color photographs, illustrations, and schematics visually reinforce important chapter topics.
NEW: Offers two types of software for circuit simulation, and analysis. Expanded, updated Multisim® Version 14 and all-new LT Spice circuit files for selected examples and troubleshooting problems allow students to measure circuit quantities and troubleshoot faulty circuits in a simulated environment–offering an excellent transition to lab experiments. Files are available on the companion website www.pearsonhighered.com/careersresources/.
NEW: Offers an introduction to basic electronic communication devices and methods. An entirely new Chapter 18, “Communication Devices and Methods,” introduces communication devices and systems.
Reinforces learning with a user-friendly format and an abundance of exercises, problems, and quizzes.
Chapter openers include a chapter outline, objectives, introduction, key terms list, a Device Application preview, and a website reference.
Sections begin with a section introduction and objectives and ends with section checkup questions to aid students in their study.
UPDATED: Diversified problem sets–including basic, advanced, troubleshooting, datasheet, and Multisim troubleshooting problems–offer a chance to practice applying theorems and formulas, encouraging students to think through a solution in a logical manner. Many new problems are included in the Tenth Edition.
A circuit-action quiz checks students’ understanding of how changes in certain parameters affect the behavior of a circuit.
End-of-chapter sectionalized chapter summaries, key term glossaries, formula lists, true-false quizzes, and self-tests allow students to review key concepts and test their knowledge.
UPDATED: Offers expanded coverage of key topics, such as:
FETs, including JFET limiting parameters, FINFET, UMOSFET, Current source biasing, Cascode dual-gate MOSFET, and tunneling MOSFET
Thyristors, including SSRs using SCRs, and motor speed control
Switching circuits, including interfacing with logic circuits
Offers two types of software for circuit simulation, and analysis. Expanded, updated Multisim® Version 14 and all-new LT Spice circuit files for selected examples and troubleshooting problems allow students to measure circuit quantities and troubleshoot faulty circuits in a simulated environment–offering an excellent transition to lab experiments. Files are available on the companion website www.pearsonhighered.com/careersresources/.
Offers an introduction to basic electronic communication devices and methods. An entirely new Chapter 18, “Communication Devices and Methods,” introduces communication devices and systems.
UPDATED: Diversified problem sets–including basic, advanced, troubleshooting, datasheet, and Multisim troubleshooting problems–offer a chance to practice applying theorems and formulas, encouraging students to think through a solution in a logical manner. Many new problems are included in the Tenth Edition.
UPDATED: Offers expanded coverage of key topics, such as:
FETs, including JFET limiting parameters, FINFET, UMOSFET, Current source biasing, Cascode dual-gate MOSFET, and tunneling MOSFET
Thyristors, including SSRs using SCRs, and motor speed control
Switching circuits, including interfacing with logic circuits
1. Introduction to Semiconductors 1
2. Diodes and Applications 24
3. Special-Purpose Diodes 102
4. Bipolar Junction Transistors 163
5. Transistor Bias Circuits 216
6. BJT Amplifiers 255
7. BJT Power Amplifiers 319
8. Field-Effect Transistors (FETs) 364
9. FET Amplifiers and Switching Circuits 434
10. Amplifier Frequency Response 493
11. Thyristors 552
12. The Operational Amplifier 590
13. Basic Op-Amp Circuits 656
14. Special-Purpose Integrated Circuits 707
15. Active Filters 753
16. Oscillators 796
17. Voltage Regulators 841
18. Communication Devices and Methods 880
Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems 923
Glossary 937
Index 000
Thomas L. Floyd has a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering (SMU) and Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering (UF). He has worked as a design engineer at Texas Instruments and senior engineer at Martin-Marietta (now Lockheed-Martin). In addition, he has five years’ experience teaching and as department head of the Electrons Technology program at Valencia Community College, Orlando, FL, and five years teaching electronics technology at Mayland Community College, Spruce Pine, NC. Floyd has been writing textbooks in electronic technology since 1975 including Digital Fundamentals, Principles of Electric Circuits, Electronics Fundamentals, Electronic Devices, Electric Circuit Fundamentals, Digital Fundamentals: A Systems Approach, Digital Fundamentals with PLD Programming, Fundamentals of Analog Circuits: A Systems Approach, Science of Electronics: Digital, Analog Fundamentals, Basic Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits, DC/AC Fundamentals: A Systems Approach, and Renewable Energy Systems.
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