Professionalism in Early Childhood Education: Doing Our Best for Young Children, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (September 8, 2011) © 2012

  • Stephanie Feeney


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·         Written by a leader in the field–Dr. Stephanie Feeney, Professor Emerita of Education at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, author of five books, four children’s books, numerous articles, and served on the Governing Boards of NAEYC, NAECTE and national committees relating to early care and education.

·         An exploration of the topic of professionalism–examines what constitutes a profession, the professional status of ECE and issues related to professionalism in ECE.

·        An understanding of what professionalism looks like in the early childhood field (Chapter 4)–includes discussion of the knowledge and skills, or what those who work with young children should know and be able to do. 

·        A chapter devoted to professional behavior (chapter 5)–includes discussion of professional conduct, doing what is right, including ethical behavior

·        A capstone chapter on aspiring to do your best as an early childhood professional (chapter 6)–draws on the experiences of outstanding early childhood educators and illustrates ways to best serve young children.

·        Reflection questions in each chapter–helps readers apply what they have read to their own life experiences.

·        A self-assessment at the end of the book–helps readers examine their own practice and work toward a higher level of professionalism.


·        How I came to write this book

·        Why address this topic now?

·        A note to college teachers and trainers


CHAPTER 1—What is a Profession?

·        Origins of professions

·        What do the terms mean?

·        Criteria for determining if an occupation is a profession

·        A continuum of professions

·        How should professionals behave?

·        Issues regarding professions


CHAPTER 2—Is Early Childhood Education a Profession?   

·        Historical influences on the field of ECE

·        How does early childhood education meet the criteria for a profession?

·                  Where do we stand?

·                  Do we want to be a profession?

·                  Which way should we go from here?


CHAPTER 3—Personal attributes

·        What should early childhood educators be like?

·        What you bring into the world

·        Who you are as a person

·        Who you are as an educator

·        Knowing yourself

·        Final thoughts


CHAPTER 4—Knowledge and Skills

·        Historical influences on knowledge and skills needed to teach young children

·        The current landscape

·        What should early childhood educators should know and be able to do?

·        How do these things come together in practice?

·        Final thoughts         


CHAPTER 5—Professional Behavior

·        Characteristics of professional conduct

·        Doing what is right—ethics and advocacy

·        Performing the job

·        Final thoughts


CHAPTER 6—Aspiring to do your Best

·        Looking backward

·        Early childhood education as a “calling”

·        A developmental perspective

·        Basics and beyond

·        Looking forward



A—Self Assessments

B—Professional development plan

C—Recommended reading


Dr. Stephanie Feeney is Professor Emerita of Education at the University of Hawaii at Manoa where she directed early childhood teacher education programs for many years. She received her bachelor’s degree at UCLA, master’s degree at Harvard University, and doctorate at Claremont Graduate University. Her publications include Who Am I in the Lives of Children? (9th edition), Continuing Issues in Early Childhood Education (3rd edition), Early Childhood Education in the Pacific and Asia, Ethics and the Early Childhood Educator: Using the NAEYC Code of Ethics, Teaching the NAEYC Code of Ethics: A Resource Guide, a curriculum for young children, numerous articles, and four children’s books about Hawaii.


Since the mid l980s Dr. Feeney has participated in work on professional ethics for the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). She was co-author of the association’s Code of Ethical Conduct which was developed based on input from the field under the guidance of an Ethics Commission which she chaired. She has worked on two revisions of the Code, on the development of supplements to the Code for Adult Educators and Program Administrators, and she co-authors an ethics column in the journal Young Children.


Dr. Feeney has lectured and taught throughout the United States and in China, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.¿ She has served on the Governing Boards of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE), and on committees relating to early care and education in Hawaii and nationally.


Dr. Feeney may be contacted at


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