English Fundamentals, 16th edition
Published by Pearson (January 20, 2011) © 2012
- Donald W. Emery University of Washington
- John M. Kierzek
- Peter Lindblom
- Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
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English Fundamentals provides students with solid explanations, an abundance of exercises, and the numerous progress tests they need to master the principles of quality writing.
Beginning with the fundamental elements of the sentence, this book presents each topic with clear, detailed explanations and numerous exercises. The first lessons introduce the basic system of the language. Once the foundation is laid, subsequent lessons explore more complex structures and relationships. The final instructional section surveys college writing in a brief, very accessible manner.
· A step-by-step approach empowers students to progressively build on their writing skills as they advance through the text.
· Examples and exercises from a number of disciplines, including science and business, accommodate the interests of a wide range of students and prepare them for future academic writing.
· Practice sheets, one for each lesson, enable students to work at a beginner's level on the principles introduced in the lesson.
· A wealth of exercise sets in each chapter offer intensive practice on the principles of the lesson and accommodate a variety of learning styles.
· The recursive learning encourages students to utilize the skills they have learned within their own sentence and paragraph constructions.- All five drill and practice opportunities in each Lesson (Practice Sheets, Exercises, MyWritingLab connections, Progress Tests, and Test Bank items) align with the specific content of the individual lesson, rather than combining content from several lessons as in previous editions. This new emphasis on coordinated content offers repeated opportunities to reinforce your learning and guarantee mastery.
- New Review questions direct students to a concept covered in the previous lesson and help to drive home a newly learned concept so that—like an experienced athlete—skills mastery becomes second nature.
- New Practice Sheets, Exercises, and Progress Tests throughout support the new focus on coordination among all these elements and provide repeated practice opportunities.
- References to MyWritingLab throughout send students to appropriate content in Pearson’s premier learning site for developmental writing.
Preface Â
Part 1
Basic Sentence Patterns Â
Lessons, Practice Sheets, and Exercises
  1 The Simple Sentence; Subjects and Verbs Â
Practice Sheet 1 • Subjects and Verbs Â
Exercise 1 • Subjects and Verbs Â
  2 Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions Â
Practice Sheet 2 • Parts of
Speech Â
Exercise 2 • Parts of Speech Â
Exercise 2A • Subjects and
Verbs Â
  3 Basic Sentence Patterns with Intransitive Verbs Â
Practice Sheet 3 • Sentence Patterns 1 & 2 Â
Exercise 3 • Subjects, Verbs, and Complements Â
  4 Basic Sentence Patterns with Transitive Verbs Â
Practice Sheet 4 • Complements of Transitive Verbs Â
Exercise 4 • Complements of Transitive Verbs Â
  5 Forms of the Verb; Auxiliary Verbs Â
Practice Sheet 5 • Auxiliary Verbs; Basic Sentence Patterns Â
Exercise 5 • Identifying the Base of Verbs; Auxiliary Verbs Â
  6 Alterations of Basic Sentence Patterns Â
Practice Sheet 6 • Alterations of Basic Sentence Patterns: Passive Verbs; Questions Â
Exercise 6 • Alterations of Basic Sentence Patterns: Passive Verbs; Questions Â
Check Sheet Â
Part 2
Clauses and Phrases Â
Lessons, Practice Sheets, and Exercises
  7 Coordination: Compound Sentences Â
Practice Sheet 7 • Coordination: Compound Sentences Â
Exercise 7 • Coordination: Compound Sentences Â
  8 Subordination: Adverb
Clauses Â
Practice Sheet 8 • Adverb
Clauses Â
Exercise 8 • Adverb Clauses Â
  9 Subordination: Adjective
Clauses Â
Practice Sheet 9 • Adjective Clauses Â
Exercise 9 • Adjective
Clauses Â
    10 Subordination: Noun Clauses Â
Practice Sheet 10 • Subordination: Noun
Clauses Â
Exercise 10 • Subordination: Noun Clauses Â
Exercise 10A • Subordinate Clauses Â
    11 Subordination: Gerund and Infinitive Phrases Â
Practice Sheet 11 • Gerund and Infinitive Phrases Â
Exercise 11 • Gerund and Infinitive Phrases Â
    12 Subordination: Participial and Absolute Phrases Â
Practice Sheet 12 • Participial and Absolute Phrases Â
Exercise 12 • Participial and Absolute Phrases Â
Exercise 12A • Verbal Phrases; Complements in Phrases Â
Check Sheet Â
Part 3
Sentence Building Â
Lessons, Practice Sheets, and Exercises
    13 Completeness: Dealing with Sentence Fragments Â
Practice Sheet 13 • Identifying Sentence Fragments Â
Exercise 13 • Correcting Sentence Fragments Â
Exercise 13A • Correcting Sentence Fragments Â
    14 Misplaced Modifiers; Dangling Modifiers Â
Practice Sheet 14 • Misplaced Modifiers Â
Exercise 14 • Misplaced
Modifiers Â
Practice Sheet 14A • Dangling Modifiers Â
Exercise 14A • Dangling
Modifiers Â
    15 Subordination Â
Practice Sheet 15 •Â
Subordination Â
Exercise 15 • Subordination Â
    16 Parallel Structure;
Comparisons Â
Practice Sheet 16 • Parallel Structure: Comparisons Â
Exercise 16 • Parallel Structure: Comparisons Â
Check Sheet Â
Part 4
Punctuation Â
Lessons, Practice Sheets, and Exercises
    17 Commas to SeparateÂ
Practice Sheet 17 • Commas to Separate Â
Exercise 17 • Commas to
Separate Â
Exercise 17A • Commas and Semicolons to Separate Â
    18 Commas to Enclose  Practice Sheet 18 • Commas to Enclose Â
Exercise 18 • Commas to
Enclose Â
Exercise 18A • Commas: All
Uses Â
Exercise 18B • Commas and Semicolons: All Uses Â
    19 Tricky Punctuation Marks Â
Practice Sheet 19 • Tricky Punctuation Marks Â
Exercise 19 • Tricky Punctuation Marks Â
    20 End Marks; Summary of Punctuation Rules Â
Practice Sheet 20 • Review of Punctuation Â
Exercise 20 • Review of Punctuation Â
Exercise 20A • Review of Punctuation Â
Check Sheet Â
Part 5
Usage ÂLessons, Practice Sheets, and Exercises
    21 Using Verbs Correctly: Principal Parts; Tense Â
Practice Sheet 21 • Using Verbs Correctly: Principal Parts;
Tense Â
Exercise 21 • Using Verbs Correctly: Principal Parts;
Tense Â
    22 Using Verbs Correctly: Subject—Verb Agreement Â
Practice Sheet 22 • Using Verbs Correctly: Subject—Verb Agreement Â
Exercise 22 • Using Verbs Correctly: Subject—Verb Agreement Â
    23 Using Pronouns Correctly: Reference; Agreement Â
Practice Sheet 23 • Using Pronouns Correctly: Reference; Agreement Â
Exercise 23 • Using Pronouns Correctly: Reference;
Agreement Â
    24 Using Pronouns Correctly:
Case Â
Practice Sheet 24 • Using Pronouns Correctly: Case Â
Exercise 24 • Using Pronouns Correctly: CaseÂ
Exercise 24A • Using Pronouns Correctly: Reference and Case Â
    25 Using Modifiers and Prepositions CorrectlyÂ
Practice Sheet 25 • Using Modifiers and Prepositions Correctly Â
Exercise 25 • Using Modifiers
and Prepositions Correctly Â
    26 Puzzling Word Choices Â
Practice Sheet 26 • Puzzling
Word Choices Â
Exercise 26 • Puzzling Word Choices Â
Check Sheet Â
Part 6
Plurals and Capitals;Revising, Proofreading, and Correcting Â
Lessons, Practice Sheets, and Exercises
    27 Plurals and Capitals Â
Practice Sheet 27 • Plurals and Capitals Â
Exercise 27 • Plurals and
Capitals Â
    28 Proofreading and Correcting; A Word on Writing with a Computer Â
Practice Sheet 28 • Revision
Exercise 28 • Proofreading and Correcting Â
Part 7
 Progress Tests Â  1 Parts of Speech
  2 Subjects and Verbs
  3 Sentence Patterns 1 & 2
  4 Complements
  5 Auxiliary Verbs; Basic Sentence Patterns
  6 Identifying the Base of Verbs; Auxiliary Verbs
  7 Coordination: Compound Verbs and Compound Sentences
  8 Adverb Clauses
  9 Adjective Clauses
10Â Noun Clauses
11Â Gerund and Infinitive Phrases
12Â Participial Phrases; Absolute Phrases
13Â Identifying Sentence Fragments
14Â Misplaced Modifiers; Dangling Modifiers
15Â Subordination
16Â Parallel Structures: Comparisons
17Â TK
18Â Commas to Enclose
19Â & 20 Tricky Punctuation Marks; End Marks
21Â Â Using Verbs Correctly: Principal Parts; Tense
22 Using Verbs Correctly: Subject—Verb Agreement
23Â Using Pronouns Correctly: Case
25 Using Modifiers and Prepositions Correctly
Appendix A • Sentence Combining Â
Appendix B • Diagnostic Tests
Appendix C • Answer Key to Practice SheetsÂ
Index ÂÂ
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