Systematic Design of Instruction, The, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (February 24, 2014) © 2015

  • Walter Dick Florida State University
  • Lou Carey University of South Florida
  • James O. Carey University of South Florida

  • Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
  • Affordable rental option for select titles
  • Designed to aid learning in several important ways:
    • The intuitive chapter organization explains each step in the design process through easily understandable sections that include: 1) Objectives, 2) Background, 3) Concepts, 4) Examples, 5) Case Study, 6) Summary, 7) Practice, and 8) Feedback.
    • Each chapter leads readers through a step of the model, presenting research carefully illustrated with a wide range of academic and business applications.
    • Contemporary design examples help students’ link current theoretical concepts to practical applications.
    • Sample rubrics and exercises provide tools for designing instruction to connect theory to real-life applications.
    • Annotated references amplify and reinforce each concept in the instructional design process.
  • Emphasizes learning by doing—Practical applications and instructional supports throughout the book include:
    • A serial case study example for adult learners in a university setting
    • A complete case study in the Appendices detailing the products of design and development activities for each step in the model for a school curriculum goal on writing composition
  • Provides comprehensive learning support through extensive practice and feedback, examples of applications, and the running case study.
  • Provides preparation for current instructional design environments through this edition’s updating and new content (See the New to This Edition section for details.)
  • Focuses on attention to learning, portable digital devices, and transfer of learning to the performance context.
  • Provides rubrics for evaluating products and/or procedures for each step in the model.

This new edition has retained the features that have been most popular and helpful in the previous editions, while adding new perspectives and features that keep the text current, including:

  • Updated references and recommended readings with annotations.
  • Additional attention to important topics, including:
    • Learning and portable digital devices
    • The relationship between transfer of learning and the performance context
    • The theoretical bases of learning in designing and developing instruction
  • Additional tables summarizing and organizing concepts.
  • Application of instructional design concepts through a serial case study example for adult learners in a university setting; carried through the steps of the design model in each chapter.
  • A complete case study in the Appendices (in addition to the one in the text) detailing the products of design and development activities for each step in the model for  a school curriculum goal on writing composition.
  • A plan with case study examples for using constructivist learning environments in cognitive instructional design.
  • An Instructor’s Manual containing:
    • Course management plans for a 10-week and a 15-week terms.
    • Course management suggestions for web-based delivery.
    • Goals and objectives for each step in the model.
    • Illustrations of pre-instructional materials.
    • Goal analyses for each step in the model.
    • Rubrics for evaluating instructional design and development products for each step in the model.
    • A third case study.
    • Practice and feedback, including concept quizzes and application quizzes for each chapter of the text.
    • Annotated listing of important web resources in the field of instructional design that support each chapter of the text.
    • Listing of important organizations and journals in the field of instructional design.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Instructional Design

Chapter 2: Identifying Instructional Goals Using Front-End Analysis

Chapter 3: Conducting a Goal Analysis

Chapter 4: Identifying Subordinate and Entry Skills

Chapter 5: Analyzing Learners and Contexts

Chapter 6: Writing Performance Objectives

Chapter 7: Developing Assessment Instruments

Chapter 8: Planning the Instructional Strategy: Theoretical Bases

Chapter 9: Planning the Logistics and Management for the Instructional Strategy:

Chapter 10: Developing Instructional Materials

Chapter 11: Designing and Conducting Formative Evaluations

Chapter 12: Revising Instructional Materials

Chapter 13: Designing and Conducting Summative Evaluations

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