Teaching Strategies for Nurse Educators, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (June 25, 2014) © 2015

  • Sandra DeYoung



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For all courses in nurse education.

This student-friendly, easy-to-read text is the best resource for the nurse educator.

Teaching Strategies for Nurse Educators, 3e, prepares graduate nursing students to be nurse educators in settings of staff development, patient education, or academia–covering commonalities of teaching that pertain to all three. Based on a strong foundation in educational theory and practical teaching strategies, constructive information and cutting-edge content emphasize the theories and strategies most likely to be used in the field of nursing and health education. References to the most current evidence-based research on effective teaching practices are imbedded throughout the text. This book guides the nurse educator through the entire teaching process, from planning learning to conducting classes, applying traditional teaching methods and innovative technology, both in the classroom and within the context of distance learning platforms. After studying this text, the new (or renewed) nurse educator will be able to teach with a sound understanding of basic learning theory and an excitement about the many approaches she or he can use to achieve desired learning outcomes.

Teaching and Learning Experience

This book offers a current look at teaching strategies for educators in the nursing and health fields. It provides:

  • Overview of teaching and learning processes: Focuses on understanding the learning process and the many variables that affect learning
  • Teaching strategies: Covers advantages and disadvantages, purposes and uses of the methods, and research on the strategies that are discussed
  • Superior pedagogical features: Gives students the tools to master key concepts faster and more effectively


Overview of teaching and learning processes:

  • Examines the hallmarks of good teaching ––including teacher style, the seven principles of good practice in undergraduate education and nurses as teachers
  • Explores learning theories, types of learning and the different learning styles––enabling instructors to teach using various modalities
  • Addresses issues when teaching to diversity––including learning about culture, the culture of teachers and learners, teaching strategies, communication issues, and teaching students with disabilities
  • Shows how to plan and conduct classes––examines the planning sequence, selecting teaching methods, choosing a textbook, planning assignments, and conducting the class

Teaching strategies:

  • Explores traditional and activity based teaching strategies—gives detailed information on how to use strategies such as lecturing, discussion, audiovisuals, simulations, problem-based learning, and self-learning modules
  • Supplies students with examples on how to apply these strategies to the three settings—staff development, patient education, and academic teaching
  • Examines the importance of critical thinking–how it can be defined, promoted, and measured—clarifies issues surrounding critical thinking and provides guidance on how to promote and measure it in an academic program and among new graduate nurses

Superior pedagogical features:

  • Case studies give students the opportunity to apply information presented in the textbook (can be used as group exercises or can first be completed by individual learners and then discussed in class)—students will learn the information better if they can apply it to a real-life situation
  • Critical thinking exercises encourage students to reflect on what they have learned and express opinions as this knowledge is applied to a variety of situations—learners are asked to consider the validity of assumptions, reflect on issues, rethink points of view, apply information in new contexts, and make reasoned judgments
  • Ideas for further research will stimulate both graduate students and faculty to conduct research on current topics in nursing education—the research ideas can be used as trigger points for graduate research in the form of Masters Theses and projects and faculty may also find that some of the ideas stimulate their own desire to conduct research on these worthy topics

PART I  Teaching and Learning 

            Chapter 1       Good Teaching         

            Chapter 2       Learning Theory                  

            Chapter 3       Teaching to Diversity

            Chapter 4       Planning and Conducting Classes  


PART II  Teaching Strategies

            Chapter 5       Traditional Teaching Strategies

            Chapter 6       Activity-Based Teaching Strategies

            Chapter 7       Computer-mediated Teaching and Learning

            Chapter 8       Distance Education

            Chapter 9       Teaching Psychomotor Skills

            Chapter 10     Promoting and Assessing Critical Thinking                                  

            Chapter 11     Clinical Teaching

            Chapter 12     Assessing and Evaluating Learning


PART III  The Professional Educator

            Chapter 13     Becoming a Faculty Member

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