Systems Architecture: Strategy and Product Development for Complex Systems, 1st edition

Published by LONGMAN ELT UK (April 15, 2015) © 2016

  • Edward Crawley
  • Bruce Cameron
  • Daniel Selva


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For courses in engineering and technical management

Architecture and Function of Complex Systems

System architecture is the study of early decision making in complex systems. This text teaches how to capture experience and analysis about early system decisions, and how to choose architectures that meet stakeholder needs, integrate easily, and evolve flexibly. With case studies written by leading practitioners, from hybrid cars to communications networks to aircraft, this text showcases the science and art of system architecture.

System Architecture: Strategy and Product Development for Complex Systems is a comprehensive text that brings new focus to the emerging discipline of systems architecture. Bridging engineering and management, this text contains a number of features to accelerate learning in the classroom and in the professional world.
Real world case studies and examples from leading system architects:
  • Case studies are included that apply system architecture to disciplines ranging from hybrid cars to commercial aircraft. Contributors include Norm Augustine, former CEO of Lockheed Martin,  Dr. Victor Tang, former special advisor to the CEO of IBM, and Dr. Willard Simmons, CTO of DataXu, the leading demand-side platform for online advertising.
  • This text builds from foundational examples, such as pumps, circuits, and sorting algorithms, to complex systems in networking and hybrid cars. These examples are built on the development experience of the authors in communications, transportation, mobile advertising, finance, robotics, and medical devices, ranging in complexity from farm equipment to the International Space Station.
A balance of descriptive, management-centered content and prescriptive methodologies for creating architecture:
  • Stepwise progression of architectural decisions, built cumulatively through five chapters
  • Summaries of chapter contributions presented in Methods Boxes.
  • Frameworks for upstream and downstream influences on architecture
  • A framework for conducting stakeholder analysis in early stages of architecting
Summary of the latest research on encoding architecture as decisions for enumeration and analysis:
  • Presentation of types of architectural problems and the analogous computer science problems
  • Sorting architectural decisions to identify the order in which decisions need to be made
  • Worked examples in the construction of models to support decision making for new architectures
  • Exposition of tradespace exploration as a tool for reasoning about potential architectures
A strong focus on codifying practitioner architectural experience as principles:
  • Principles represent underlying and long-enduring fundamentlas
  • Principles enable the architect to reason through the creation of novel architecture for which clear  recendents are not available
  • Summarized in 26 Principles of System Architecture spread throughout the text




About the Authors




1. Introduction to System Architecture

Architecture of Complex Systems

The Advantages of Good Architecture

Learning Objectives

Organization of the Text



2. System Thinking

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Systems and Emergence

2.3 Task 1: Identify the System, Its Form, and Its Function

2.4 Task 2: Identify Entities of a System, Their Form, and Their Function

2.5 Task 3: Identify the Relationships among the Entities

2.6 Task 4: Emergence

2.7 Summary



3. Thinking about Complex Systems

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Complexity in Systems

3.3 Decomposition of Systems

3.4 Special Logical Relationships

3.5 Reasoning through Complex Systems

3.6 Architecture Representation Tools: SysML and OPM

3.7 Summary





4. Form

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Form in Architecture

4.3 Analysis of Form in Architecture

4.4 Analysis of Formal Relationships in Architecture

4.5 Formal Context

4.6 Form in Software Systems

4.7 Summary



5. Function

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Function in Architecture

5.3 Analysis of External Function and Value

5.4 Analysis of Internal Function

5.5 Analysis of Functional Interactions and Functional Architecture

5.6 Secondary Value-Related External and Internal Functions

5.7 Summary



6. System Architecture

6.1 Introduction

6.2 System Architecture: Form and Function

6.3 Non-idealities, Supporting Layers, and Interfaces in System Architecture

6.4 Operational Behavior

6.5 Reasoning about Architecture Using Representations

6.6 Summary



7. Solution-Neutral Function and Concepts

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Identifying the Solution-Neutral Function

7.3 Concept

7.4 Integrated Concepts

7.5 Concepts of Operations and Services

7.6 Summary



8. From Concept to Architecture

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Developing the Level 1 Architecture

8.3 Developing the Level 2 Architecture

8.4 Home Data Network Architecture at Level

8.5 Modularizing the System at Level

8.6 Summary





9. The Role of the Architect

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Ambiguity and the Role of the Architect

9.3 The Product Development Process

9.4 Summary



10. Upstream and Downstream Influences on System Architecture

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Upstream Influence: Corporate Strategy

10.3 Upstream Influence: Marketing

10.4 U pstream Influence: Regulation and Pseudo-Regulatory Influences

10.5 Upstream Influence: Technology Infusion

10.6 Downstream Influence: Implementation—Coding, Manufacturing, and Supply Chain Management

10.7 Downstream Influence: Operations

10.8 Downstream Influence: Design for X

10.9 Downstream Influence: Product and System Evolution, and Product Families

10.10 The Product Case: Architecture Business Case Decision (ABCD)

10.11 Summary



11. Translating Needs into Goals

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Identifying Beneficiaries and Stakeholders

11.3 Characterizing Needs

11.4 Interpreting Needs as Goals

11.5 Prioritizing Goals

11.6 Summary



12. Applying Creativity to Generating a Concept

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Applying Creativity to Concept

12.3 Develop the Concepts

12.4 Expand the Concepts and Develop the Concept Fragments

12.5 Evolve and Refine the Integrated Concepts

12.6 Select a Few Integrated Concepts for Further Development

12.7 Summary



13. Decomposition as a Tool for Managing Complexity

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Understanding Complexity

13.3 Managing Complexity

13.4 Summary





14. System Architecture as a Decision-Making Process

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Formulating the Apollo Architecture Decision Problem

14.3 Decisions and Decision Support

14.4 Four Main Tasks of Decision Support Systems

14.5 Basic Decision Support Tools

14.6 Decision Support for System Architecture

14.7 Summary



15. Reasoning about Architectural Tradespaces

15.1 Introduction

15.2 Tradespace Basics

15.3 The Pareto Frontier

15.4 Structure of the Tradespace

15.5 Sensitivity Analysis

15.6 Organizing Architectural Decisions

15.7 Summary



16. Formulating and Solving System Architecture Optimization Problems

16.1 Introduction

16.2 Formulating a System Architecture Optimization Problem

16.3 NEOSS Example: An Earth Observing Satellite System for NASA

16.4 Patterns in System Architecting Decisions

16.5 Formulating a Large-scale System Architecture Problem

16.6 Solving System Architecture Optimization Problems

16.7 Summary




Chapter Problems


Edward F. Crawley is the President of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) in Moscow, Russia, and a Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems at MIT. He is the founder of ACX, BioScale, DataXu, and Ekotrope, and a member four national academies of engineering. 
Bruce G. Cameron is the founder of Technology Strategy Partners (TSP), a consulting firm, and the Director of the System Architecture Lab at MIT.  He has worked with 60 Fortune 500 firms across aerospace, high tech, and consumer goods, and has built hardware currently on orbit. 

Daniel Selva is a Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Cornell. He has pioneered the use of machine learning tools in system architecture analysis, and is the recipient of Best Paper and Hottest Article awards for his work with NASA.

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