Probation, Parole and Community Corrections, 6th edition
Published by Pearson (March 13, 2007) © 2008
- Dean J. Champion Texas A&M International University
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For courses in Introduction to Probation, Parole, and Community Corrections.
Filled with the most up-to-date statistics, cases and citations, this text offers a comprehensive look at the probation and parole process for both juvenile and adult offenders. Known for its extensive coverage, it includes discussion of offender needs and risks, a variety of supervision programs, inmate re-entry issues and solutions, and theories of crime and rehabilitation. Readers are provided with samples of important forms and paperwork, while special features highlight international practices and stories from the field.
Hallmark Features
Illustrates the complete process of dealing with offenders–from the time a crime is committed to their sentencing and supervision.
- Covers all aspects of offender processing including special topics such as: electronic monitoring, home confinement, global position satellite tracking, intensive supervised probation/parole, seamless probation/parole, prediction instruments, etc.
Covers both adult and juvenile probation and parole systems–which is unique to this text.
- Shows all aspects of processing both adults and juveniles and provides examples specific to each type of offender. Â
Contains important forms and sample paperwork–used to process offenders through their probation and parole programs.
- Provides samples of specific paperwork such as pre-sentence investigation reports for adults and pre-dispositional reports for juveniles.Â
Includes strong coverage of assessment–of offender needs and risks.
- Discusses the risks and needs assessment instruments of various states and the federal government.
- Includes coverage of instruments such as the Levele of Services Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) and Addiction Severity Index ( ASI).Â
Provides a greater emphasis on offender re-entry–than competing texts.
- Offers a rehabilitative focus that goes well-beyond other books.Â
Offers unique international coverage–and examples of probation and parole programs in 14 different countries.
- Gives readers a strong comparative perspective and knowledge of how probationers and parolees are managed throughout the world.Â
Includes Personality Highlights and Scenarios–designed to pique readers’ interest and hold their attention.
- Offers thought-provoking stories that describe offenders, incidents and real practitioners in the field.
Fully updated to include:
- Approximately 85% new references
- New questions at the end of each chapter
- More chapter objectives
- New figures and tables
- Recent U.S. Supreme Court and state court cases and more!
New! Includes 16 Career Snapshots–throughout this edition.
- Adds human interest and captures the career paths of persons who work or have worked in probation, parole and community corrections.
Chapter 1: Criminal Justice System Components: Locating Probation and Parole
Chapter 2: Theories of Offender Treatment
Chapter 3:Â An Overview of Community Corrections: Types, Goals and Functions
Chapter 4: Sentencing and the Presentence Investigation Report: Background, Preparation, and Functions
Chapter 5: Probation and Probationers: History, Philosophy, Goals, and Functions
Chapter 6:Â Programs for Probationers
Chapter 7:Â Jails and Prisons
Chapter 8:Â Parole and Parolees
Chapter 9:Â Early Release, Parole Programs, and Parole Revocation
Chapter 10:Â Probation/Parole Organization and Operations: Recruitment, Training, and Officer-Client Relations
Chapter 11:Â Probation and Parole Professionals
Chapter 12:Â Offender Supervision: Types of Offenders and Special Supervisory Considerations
Chapter 13:Â Juvenile Probation and Parole
Chpater 14:Â Evaluating Programs: Balancing Service Delivery and Recidivism Considerations
Dean John Champion is Professor of Criminal Justice, Texas A & M International University; Laredo, Texas. Dr. Champion has taught at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, California State University-Long Beach, and Minot State University. He earned his Ph.D. from Purdue University and B.S. and M.A. degrees from Brigham Young University. He also completed several years of law school at the Nashville School of Law.
           Dr. Champion has written over 35 texts and/or edited works and maintains memberships in eleven professional organizations. He is a lifetime member of the American Society of Criminology, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, and the American Sociological Association. He is a former editor of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences/Anderson Publishing Company Series on Issues in Crime and Justice and the Journal of Crime and Justice. He is a contributing author for the Encarta Encyclopedia 2000 for Microsoft. He has been a Visiting Scholar for the National Center for Juvenile Justice and is a former president of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association. He has also designed and/or offered numerous online courses for the University of Phoenix, Excelsior University, and the University of Alaska-Fairbanks.
           Among his published books for Prentice-Hall include Administration of Criminal Justice: Structure, Function, and Process (2003); Basic Statistics for Social Research (1970, 1981); Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology 3/e (1993, 2000, 2006); The Juvenile Justice System: Delinquency, Processing, and the Law 4/e (1992, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007 forthcoming); Corrections in the United States: A Contemporary Perspective 4/e (1990, 1998, 2001, 2005); Probation, Parole, and Community Corrections 5/e (1990, 1996, 1999, 2005); Policing in the Community (w/George Rush) (1996); and The Administration of Justice Systems (2001). Dr. Champion's specialty interests include juvenile justice, criminal justice administration, corrections, and statistics/methods.
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