NEW—Updated and revised content throughout–Specifically content on hybrid welding and stir friction welding.
~Provides students with the latest welding technical information and advancements in technology–in a rapidly moving field becoming more improved and productive.
Background concepts and basic welding techniques.
~Builds a strong foundation for students' knowledge and continuing study.
The latest standards, codes, and specifications provided by the AWS.
~Keeps students current with the most recent information on the use of high strength metals, laser welding, and arc and oxyacetylene welding.
Specifications for filler materials, electrodes, brazing fluxes, etc.
~Assembles material that is becoming more consistent with international standards.
Examples of welding problems, solutions, and failure analysis.
~Assists students in their handling of welding trouble spots.
Examination of the use of steel for industry and construction—Emphasizes the arc welding processes.
~Demonstrates the importance of selecting the proper application of welding, and gives students a more thorough understanding of what is needed.
Exploration of computer-aided processes.
~Alerts students to the popular and complex changes transforming and cleaning up the welder's environment.
Coverage of qualification and certification.
~Presents students with the latest information on the training of welding personnel.
An entire chapter devoted to welding power sources.
~Introduces new concepts that familiarize students with the current machines such as the inverter power source.
A focus on the stir friction welding process.
~Enables students to look at an important innovative laser process.