Preface ix
Part I: Models of Designing 1
Chapter 1: The Design Question 3
Chapter 2: How Engineers Think of Design–The Rational Model 13
Chapter 3: What’s Wrong with This Model? 21
Chapter 4: Requirements, Sin, and Contracts 39
Chapter 5: What Are Better Design Process Models? 51
Part II: Collaboration and Telecollaboration 61
Chapter 6: Collaboration in Design 63
Chapter 7: Telecollaboration 89
Part III: Design Perspectives 103
Chapter 8: Rationalism versus Empiricism in Design 105
Chapter 9: User Models–Better Wrong than Vague 113
Chapter 10: Inches, Ounces, Bits, Dollars–The Budgeted Resource 119
Chapter 11: Constraints Are Friends 127
Chapter 12: Esthetics and Style in Technical Design 139
Chapter 13: Exemplars in Design 153
Chapter 14: How Expert Designers Go Wrong 167
Chapter 15: The Divorce of Design 175
Chapter 16: Representing Designs’ Trajectories and Rationales 185
Part IV: A Computer Scientist’s Dream System for Designing Houses 201
Chapter 17: A Computer Scientist’s Dream System for Designing Houses–Mind to Machine 203
Chapter 18: A Computer Scientist’s Dream System for Designing Houses–Machine to Mind 219
Part V: Great Designers 229
Chapter 19: Great Designs Come from Great Designers 231
Chapter 20: Where Do Great Designers Come From? 243
Part VI: Trips through Design Spaces: Case Studies 257
Chapter 21: Case Study: Beach House “View/360” 259
Chapter 22: Case Study: House Wing Addition 279
Chapter 23: Case Study: Kitchen Remodeling 297
Chapter 24: Case Study: System/360 Architecture 313
Chapter 25: Case Study: IBM Operating System/360 331
Chapter 26: Case Study: Book Design of Computer Architecture: Concepts and Evolution 347
Chapter 27: Case Study: A Joint Computer Center Organization: Triangle Universities Computation Center 355
Chapter 28: Recommended Reading 367
Acknowledgments 371
Bibliography 375
People Index 393
Subject Index 401