Stats: Modeling the World, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (February 6, 2018) © 2019

  • David E. Bock Ithaca High School (Retired) , Cornell University
  • Paul F. Velleman Cornell University
  • Richard D. De Veaux Williams College
  • Floyd Bullard North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics


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For courses in Introductory Statistics (algebra-based).

Gets students thinking statistically from the start

Stats: Modeling the World leads with practical data analysis and graphics to engage students and get them to think in a statistical context. Relevant examples and data along with the authors' signature Think, Show, and Tell problem-solving method help students learn to approach a question, solve the problem and communicate meaning.

In the 5th Edition, new co-author Floyd Bullard introduces a greater emphasis on simulations as a powerful pedagogical tool. Accompanying applets give students the opportunity to explore important ideas, providing greater conceptual depth that will prepare them to apply their statistical knowledge in this course and beyond.

Hallmark features of this title

  • The authors lead with practical data analysis and graphics to engage students and get them to think in a statistical context.
  • Worked examples and practice opportunities support learning.
  • What Have We Learned? chapter-ending study guides help students review key concepts and terms.
  • Practice Exams at the end of each Part offer both multiple choice and free-response questions.

New and updated features of this title

  • UPDATED: Step By Step Examples in every chapter emphasize the importance of thinking about a question, calculating results and reporting findings (Think, Show, and Tell). Most of the examples and exercises are based on recent news stories, research articles and other real-world sources. Many of those sources are listed so students can explore them further.
  • UPDATED: Hundreds of exercises were added and updated with the most recent data.
  • UPDATED: Each chapter's easy-to-read TI Tips now show students how to use TI-84 Plus CE Statistics functions with the StatWizard operating system. TI-Nspire Activities in the margins identify demonstrations and investigations for TI-Nspire handhelds to enhance each chapter.
  • NEW: Extensive and integrated use of simulations in almost every chapter use simulations to introduce a new topic, illustrate a concept or assist in analyzing data when traditional methods are insufficient.
    • Margin pointers direct students to explore these applets and develop deeper understanding of key ideas.
    • Simulations help to address questions such as, “What does standard deviation mean?”; “What does ‘95% confident' mean?”; and “How large should a sample be?”

Features of MyLab Statistics for the 5th Edition

  • NEW: StatCrunch® Question Library: This library of questions provides opportunities for students to analyze and interpret data sets in StatCrunch.
    • Instructors can assign individual questions from the library by topic or they can assign questions from the same data set as a longer assignment that spans multiple learning objectives.
  • REVISED: Video program: Updated Step-by-Step Example videos guide students through the process of analyzing a problem using the “Think, Show, and Tell” strategy from the textbook.
  • NEW: Learning Catalytics is now included in all MyLab Statistics courses.
    • This student response tool uses students' smartphones, tablets, or laptops to engage them in more interactive tasks and thinking during lecture.
    • Learning Catalytics™ fosters student engagement and peer-to-peer learning with real-time analytics. Access pre-built exercises created specifically for statistics.


  • 1. Stats Starts Here
  • 2. Displaying and Describing Categorical Data
  • 3. Displaying and Summarizing Quantitative Data
  • 4. Understanding and Comparing Distributions
  • 5. The Standard Deviation as a Ruler and the Normal Model
  • Review of Part I: Exploring and Understanding Data


  • 6. Scatterplots, Association, and Correlation
  • 7. Linear Regression
  • 8. Regression Wisdom
  • 9. Re-expressing Data: Get It Straight!
  • Review of Part II: Exploring Relationships Between Variables


  • 10. Understanding Randomness
  • 11. Sample Surveys
  • 12. Experiments and Observational Studies
  • Review of Part III: Gathering Data


  • 13. From Randomness to Probability
  • 14. Probability Rules!
  • 15. Random Variables
  • 16. Probability Models
  • Review of Part IV: Randomness and Probability


  • 17. Sampling Distribution Models
  • 18. Confidence Intervals for Proportions
  • 19. Testing Hypotheses About Proportions
  • 20. More About Tests and Intervals
  • 21. Comparing Two Proportions
  • Review of Part V: From the Data at Hand to the World at Large


  • 22. Inferences About Means
  • 23. Comparing Means
  • 24. Paired Samples and Blocks
  • Review of Part VI: Learning About the World


  • 25. Comparing Counts
  • 26. Inferences for Regression
  • Review of Part VII: Inference When Variables Are Related
  • 27. Analysis of Variance* (online)
  • 28. Multiple Regression* (online)


A. Selected Formulas

B. Guide to Statistical Software

C. Answers

D. Photo and Text Acknowledgments

E. Index

F. Tables

About our authors

David E. Bock taught mathematics at Ithaca High School for 35 years. He has taught Statistics at Ithaca High School, Tompkins-Cortland Community College, Ithaca College and Cornell University. Dave has won numerous teaching awards, including the MAA's Edyth May Sliffe Award for Distinguished High School Mathematics Teaching (2 times), Cornell University's Outstanding Educator Award (3 times), and has been a finalist for New York State Teacher of the Year.

Dave holds degrees from the University at Albany in Mathematics (B.A.) and Statistics/Education (M.S.) Dave has been a reader and table leader for the AP Statistics exam and a Statistics consultant to the College Board, leading workshops and institutes for AP Statistics teachers. His understanding of how students learn informs much of this book's approach.

Floyd Bullard first taught high school math as a Peace Corps volunteer in Benin, West Africa, when he was 23 years old. Today he teaches at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics in Durham, North Carolina, where he has been since 1999. Floyd has served on the AP Statistics test development committee and presents regularly at workshops and conferences for Statistics teachers.

Floyd's academic degrees are from the Johns Hopkins University (B.S., Applied Mathematics, 1991), the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (M.S., Statistics, 1997), and Duke University (Ph.D., Statistics, 2009). He likes to do crossword puzzles and play the piano (not at the same time!).

Paul F. Velleman has an international reputation for innovative Statistics education. He is the author and designer of the multimedia Statistics program ActivStats, for which he was awarded the EDUCOM Medal for innovative uses of computers in teaching Statistics and the ICTCM Award for Innovation in Using Technology in College Mathematics. He also developed the award-winning Statistics program Data Desk and the Internet site Data and Story Library (DASL), which provides data sets for teaching Statistics. Paul's understanding of using and teaching with technology informs much of this book's approach.

Paul taught Statistics at Cornell University in the Department of Statistical Sciences, for which he was awarded the MacIntyre Prize for Exemplary Teaching. He holds an A.B. from Dartmouth College in Mathematics and Social Science, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Statistics from Princeton University, where he studied with John Tukey.

Richard D. De Veaux is an internationally known educator and consultant. He has taught at the Wharton School and the Princeton University School of Engineering, where he won a “Lifetime Award for Dedication and Excellence in Teaching.” Since 1994, he has taught at Williams College. Dick has won both the Wilcoxon and Shewell awards from the American Society for Quality. He is an elected member of the International Statistics Institute (ISI) and a fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA). Dick is also well known in industry, where for more than 25 years he has consulted for such Fortune 500 companies as American Express, Hewlett-Packard, Alcoa, DuPont, Pillsbury, General Electric and Chemical Bank. Because he consulted with Mickey Hart on his book Planet Drum, he has also sometimes been called the “Official Statistician for the Grateful Dead.” His real-world experiences and anecdotes illustrate many of this book's chapters.

Dick holds degrees from Princeton University in Civil Engineering (B.S.E.) and Mathematics (A.B.) and from Stanford University in Dance Education (M.A.) and Statistics (Ph.D.), where he studied dance with Inga Weiss and Statistics with Persi Diaconis.

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