Explore the latest for your Nursing curriculum
The following titles will help you develop floor-ready professionals.
Teaching a concept-based curriculum? See our offerings.

Fundamentals of Nursing, 11th Edition
Berman | Snyder | Frandsen
Preparing students to succeed in modern nursing careers. Nurses today must grow and evolve to meet the demands of a dramatically changing healthcare system. This edition provides a core foundation of contemporary professional nursing so students can succeed in today’s environment.

Pharmacology: Connections to Nursing Practice, 5th Edition
Adams | Urban | Sutter
A patient-centered approach to pharmacology in nursing practice. Pharmacology: Connections to Nursing Practice examines key pharmacologic concepts and mechanisms in the context of their links to nursing practice and patient care. The authors approach the text recognizing that pharmacology is not an academic discipline to be learned for its own sake but a critical tool for preventing disease and promoting healing.

Medical Dosage Calculations, 11th Edition Update
Giangrasso | Shrimpton | Olsen
The field’s most complete, accessible drug calculation text and workbook. Using their pioneering dimensional analysis method, the authors progress from simple math topics to more complex ones. As they go, students build both the core math skills and professional understanding needed to calculate drug doses accurately.

Maternal & Child Nursing Care, 6th Edition
London | Ladewig | Davidson | Ball | Bindler | Cowen
A contemporary, efficient family-centered approach to maternal-newborn and pediatric care. Build clinical reasoning, cultural competence, and evidence-based practice with a text that supports fast, efficient learning for condensed nursing courses.

LeMone and Burke's Medical-Surgical Nursing, 7th Edition
Bauldoff | Gubrud | Carno
The novice nurse’s guide to whole-patient care. This edition offers the skills and knowledge needed to provide safe, evidence-based care for the diseases and disorders the new nurse will most likely encounter, based on incidence and prevalence data.

Olds' Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Women's Health Across the Lifespan, 11th Edition
Davidson | London | Ladewig
A humanistic approach to maternal-newborn care and women’s health. This edition acknowledges the central role of nurses in all aspects of childbearing. Relatable and engaging, it promotes holistic, evidence-based care grounded in patient-family partnerships, while supporting the clinical reasoning skills nurses need to care for patients in an ever-changing health care system.

Principles of Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children, 8th Edition
Ball | Bindler | Dawson| Wisely| Cowen | Shaw
Preparing students for pediatric patient care and how it is similar to, and different from, adult patients. This edition presents a foundation of core pediatric nursing principles with an emphasis on growth and development, family-centered care, and health promotion and maintenance.

Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: From Suffering to Hope, 2nd Edition
Potter | Moller
The market’s most evidence-based survey of whole-patient psychiatric nursing. Uniquely modeled for the general RN student, this edition helps learners understand mental illness and promote hope and healing in patients across this continuum and throughout the lifespan.

Gerontological Nursing, 4th Edition
A holistic guide to nursing care for older adults, across settings. This Pearson eTextbook is a comprehensive, research-based guide to the nursing care of older adults. It addresses normal and pathophysiological changes of aging, as well as psychosocial, cultural, and public health influences.

Pathophysiology: Concepts of Human Disease
Sorensen | Quinn | Klein
A human approach to pathophysiology, with an eye on promoting health. Drawing on the health stories of real individuals, the authors provide the latest information in pathophysiology that is relevant to clinical practice, while empowering students with competencies that endure throughout a nursing career.

Health & Physical Assessment In Nursing, 4th Edition
Fenske | Watkins | Saunders | D'Amico | Barbarito
All the health assessment skills students need to think like a nurse. Taking a holistic approach, the text focuses on assessing the whole person and on recognizing the diversity of patients and care settings.

Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach, 7th edition
Adams | Holland | Chang
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach links pharmacology to therapeutic goals, to simplify concepts and add relevance for students. Instead of surveying drug interventions in isolation, the authors examine them in the context of body systems (via units) and diseases (via chapters). They also weigh the impact of alternative therapies, research findings, and cultural and lifespan factors on clinical decisions.