AI Panel of Voices
AI is the hot topic everywhere, especially in higher education. It is one of the most powerful agents of change right now, as it impacts faculty, authors, administrators, and students.
Please join us for an in-depth discussion where we hear from multiple perspectives – author, faculty, and student. This panel of voices will share their point of view on the influence that AI is having on their lives, while providing best practices and considerations for you to consider.
Amos Olagunju, Professor Emeritus
Terri Moore, Ph.D.
Ramesh Sharda, Fulbright–Aalto University Distinguished Chair, Finland 2022-23
Kylie Guzman, Student at Western Kentucky University
Saige O'Rourke, Student at University of Tennessee
Peter Foltz, University of Colorado and NSF AI Institute for Student-AI Teaming
AI is the hot topic everywhere, especially in higher education. It is one of the most powerful agents of change right now, as it impacts faculty, authors, administrators, and students.
Please join us for an in-depth discussion where we hear from multiple perspectives – author, faculty, and student. This panel of voices will share their point of view on the influence that AI is having on their lives, while providing best practices and considerations for you to consider.
About the speakers

Dr. Amos Olagunju, Professor Emeritus
Dr. Amos Olagunju is currently a Professor of Practice at the University of Kansas, where he develops and teaches Information Technology and Cybersecurity courses. He is a professor emeritus at St. Cloud State University (SCSU) in Minnesota. Prior to retiring, he was a tenured professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology at SCSU. He previously served as the interim dean of undergraduate studies for two years at SCSU. As dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Chief Research Officer at Winston Salem State University, he pioneered initiatives that moved the institution to master’s level category and doubled the funded research activities. Amos served as a Professor and the Chair of the Computer Science Department at Delaware State University (DSU) for nine years. Under his leadership, DSU established a reputable computer science degree program. A faculty fellow and later a senior faculty fellow selected jointly by the American Society of Engineering Education and the Navy, Amos developed manpower mobilization and data-mining algorithms for monitoring the retention behaviors of personnel. As a member of the technical staff at Bell Communications Research (now Telcordia), he developed an architecture for a generalized C transaction environment, quantitative models for system workload projection and characterization, software metrics, and managerial decision support systems. He was a Martin Luther King-Rosa Park-Cesar Chavez visiting scholar at Michigan State University in 1990-91. He has taught computer science and information technology courses at North Carolina A&T State University, the University of Maryland University College, Michigan State University, and Tashkent University of Information Technology in Uzbekistan.
Amos was designated as an ACM senior member in 2007. He has been a reviewer for Computing Reviews since 2005 and has written over 200 reviews. Amos was featured as The Reviewer of the Month of March, 2014 by the ACM Reviews Amos Olagunju on He has numerous publications in reputable journals and refereed conference proceedings. Amos was designated an ABET Program Evaluator, 2012. He served as a Carnegie African Diaspora Program Fellow that helped Caleb University in Nigeria to improve its computer science program and developed information technology and postgraduate programs in 2015. In 2017, he served as a Special Fulbright Scholar that helped Bugema University in Uganda to improve its research capabilities and graduate programs in Information Technology. In 2022, as a Special Fulbright Scholar he helped Tashkent University of Information Technology in Uzbekistan to review curriculums.
His current research interests are in the areas of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, bioinformatics, quantitative security risk assessments, numerical computing, and artistic storytelling of breakthrough computing algorithms and technologies.

Terri Moore, Ph.D.
As a dual credentialed professor with Eastern Florida State College, Terri has been teaching both psychology and communication courses for over 25 years, using Pearson products in classes first with MyLabs and later with Revel as it expanded the list of authors and developed additional integrations such as Shared Media. She has taught extensively, in face-to-face, hybrid, and online platforms, a wide range of communication and psychology courses, designing many master courses for online programs.
Terri’s passion to expand the voices of teachers and students in the design of educational materials that engage today’s students led her to work closely with Pearson representatives as an advisory board member in 2007. She was a freelance Faculty Advisor with Pearson for approximately 12 years, making the choice in 2019 to leave full time academia for full time employment with Pearson as the Revel Faculty Advisor. She continues to teach with her college, keeping abreast of current educational trends as well as the challenges faculty and students face in higher education today.

Ramesh Sharda, Fulbright–Aalto University Distinguished Chair, Finland 2022-23
Ramesh Sharda is the Vice Dean for Research and the Watson Graduate School of Management, Watson/ConocoPhillips Chair and a Regents Professor of Management Science and Information Systems in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University. He has coauthored two textbooks (Analytics, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence: Systems for Decision Support, 11th edition, Pearson and Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial Perspective, 4th Edition, Pearson). His research has been published in major journals in management science and information systems including Management Science, Operations Research, Information Systems Research, Decision Support Systems, Interfaces, INFORMS Journal on Computing, and many others. He is a member of the editorial boards of journals such as the Decision Support Systems, Decision Sciences, ACM Database, and Information Systems Frontiers. He served as the Executive Director of Teradata University Network through 2020 and was inducted into the Oklahoma Higher Education Hall of Fame in 2016. Ramesh is a Fellow of INFORMS and AIS.
He was the winner of 2020 OSU Eminent Faculty Award. Ramesh also won the Fulbright Distinguished Chair Award at Aalto University in Finland for 2022-2023.

Kylie Guzman, Student at Western Kentucky University
Kylie is a junior at Western Kentucky University, majoring in Strategic Marketing with a minor in Spanish. She has been with Pearson as a campus ambassador since January 2023 and has been working as an intern for the product marketing team since the summer.

Saige O'Rourke, Student at University of Tennessee
Saige O’Rourke is studying Business at the University of Tennessee. While originally being from the Atlanta area, she later moved to Clarksville, TN and graduated as #9 in her high school class. Saige is interested in entering the data field in the future pursuing a career in technology as well as the boating industry. During her down time, she enjoys being outside, wake-surfing, and wakeboarding. On campus, Saige is a part of the VolWake team, Delta Sigma Pi professional business fraternity, and is a Pearson Campus Ambassador.

Peter Foltz, University of Colorado and NSF AI Institute for Student-AI Teaming
Dr. Peter Foltz is Research Professor at the University of Colorado’s Institute of Cognitive Science and Executive Director of the National Science Foundation AI Institute for Student-AI Teaming. His work covers machine learning and natural language processing for educational and clinical assessments, large-scale data analytics, cognitive skills in reading and writing, team collaboration, and 21st Century skills learning, Much of his work has focused on NLP techniques for automatically analyzing the meaning of language through writing and speaking. The approaches are used for assessing abilities, for providing feedback, and for understanding underlying cognitive mechanisms in the brain. The methods he has pioneered are used by millions of people annually to improve achievement, expand student access, and make learning materials more affordable.