For pupils
What is TIMSS?
The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) takes place every 4 years and looks at the mathematics and science skills of year 5 and year 9 pupils worldwide. Over 60 countries take part in TIMSS and your school is one of the schools in England selected to participate in the field trial stage of the study. The results are used by our government and governments from around the world to compare the strengths and weaknesses of our education systems to other countries.

Taking part in TIMSS
The study will take place within the normal school day and you will be asked to answer some mathematics and science questions on a computer. You do not need to do any preparation beforehand. We recommend you bring a book with you in case you finish early.
To say thank you for taking part, you will receive a certificate from the Department for Education (part of our UK government responsible for education in England).
What does the assessment consist of?
TIMSS includes a mathematics and science assessment, followed by a short survey and a questionnaire.
> View examples of the assessments
> View examples of the questionnaires
Data privacy & how we use personal data
> Learn more about how your data will be used
What have we learnt from TIMSS?
Contact us
If you have any queries on any aspect of the study, please do not hesitate to contact the TIMSS support team.