For parents
What is TIMSS?
The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is an international study that takes place every four years and gathers data from over 60 countries, including England. The study looks at pupils’ mathematics and science skills in Years 5 and 9 in England (Grades 4 and 8). The results are used by our government and governments from around the world to improve their education systems.

What are the benefits of taking part in the study?
The schools and pupils that participate in TIMSS are making a valuable contribution to the better understanding of our education system, informing and supporting improvement of educational policies and practices. By participating in TIMSS pupils will have the opportunity to explore their mathematics and science skills through an interesting and innovative online assessment as well as representing England in an important global study. To thank them for their participation in this important study your child will receive a certificate from the Department for Education.
How many schools are participating in TIMSS in England and what is involved?
Your child’s school is one of 300 schools in England that have been selected to participate in TIMSS 2023. The study involves answering a range of questions on mathematics and science on a computer, as well as a short questionnaire. Your child doesn’t need to do anything to prepare and nor will it affect their results or progress in school. The TIMSS results include no data that could identify your child or their school, this is because it is the education system, not your child, that is being reviewed. We recommend pupils bring a book they can read if they finish early.
What information will be collected and why?
The purpose of the study is to gather data on children’s learning and development, in order to learn more about how best to support children. This information will contribute to future improvements in education policy and provision both in the UK and internationally. The Department for Education (DfE) has commissioned Pearson UK and their partners at UCL to carry out the study in England. The privacy and data security of the young people and schools we work with is very important to us and no individual child, parent, carer, teacher or school will be identified or identifiable in any reporting.
TIMSS uses a computer-based assessment to assess mathematics and science achievement at Years 5 and 9. This will help give our government an indication of progress in these subjects in comparison to other countries from around the world.
The questionnaire will ask pupils to provide contextual information, such as questions about their home life and interests in learning. All data from the study will be de-identified, and combined with responses from other pupils taking part in England and compared with results of pupils around the world. If there are any questions your child does not wish to answer they may leave them blank.
> Learn more about how your child's data will be used
What have we learnt from TIMSS?
Contact us
If you have any queries on any aspect of the study, please do not hesitate to contact the TIMSS support team.