TIMSS 2023 adding to the STEM gender story

By Jennie Golding and Mary Richardson

Participation in STEM (Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in England, from age 16 onwards, has for many years been dominated by boys, despite several targeted interventions aimed at addressing the  gender gap. For 16-18 year olds, boys’ participation in A Level(s) in mathematics, physics and technology significantly exceeds girls’, with participation rates stubbornly intractable. The picture continues on this gendered trajectory when participation in university mathematics- intense courses such as physics, engineering, computing…. and related graduate careers is analysed. 

To what extent do pupils aspire to study mathematics after age 16? (*=significant gender gap in responses)
2023, Year 5 ~50%* Agree or strongly agree
2019, Year 5 ~64%* Agree or strongly agree
2023, Year 9 43%* Agree or strongly agree
2015, Year 9 50%* Agree or strongly agree
To what extent do pupils aspire to do work that involves mathematics after school?
2023 Year 5 boys 27%* Strongly agree
2023 Year 5 girls 19%* Strongly agree
2023 Year 9 boys 14%* Strongly disagree
2023 Year 9 girls 29%* Strongly disagree