PISA is the world’s largest international education study that measures the knowledge and skills of 15-year-olds. The results help us understand the national picture of pupil achievement of this age group and directly influence national policy and developments, helping shape education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland for pupils of the future.
PISA helps us to understand how well pupils can apply knowledge and skills in science, mathematics and reading to analyse, reason and communicate effectively as they examine, interpret and solve problems. The study also collects valuable information on pupil's attitudes and motivations to help understand how they contribute to pupil performance.
PISA provides an opportunity to compare achievement internationally and encourages countries to learn from each other, creating fairer and more inclusive school systems. More than 90 countries and economies will take part, providing a rich set of data for comparison.
PISA is the world’s largest international education survey that measures the knowledge and skills of 15-year-olds. It builds the national picture of pupil achievement of this age group, with implications for local and national policy and developments.