Pearson TQ wins new contract to support the UK MOD in the delivery of apprenticeships

We are excited and proud to announce that we have secured the contract to support the UK MOD in the delivery of apprenticeships to Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff & Personnel Support (SPS)) branch and Royal Air Force (RAF) Admin branch and have retained our contract to deliver Apprenticeships to the Corps of Royal Engineers.

The new 4-year contract is to deliver the Standard for Level 3 Business & Administration Advanced Apprenticeship, including a Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration and Level 2 Functional Skills qualifications in ICT, English and Maths. Learners are currently studying IT and Business & Administration and we will be supporting the transition to the new Level 3 Business & Administration Apprenticeship Standard.

Around 230 SPS and 50 RAF personnel will embark on this 18 month apprenticeship programme every year, with learners posted anywhere in the UK, Germany, Cyprus or Gibraltar.

The Adjutant General's Corps (AGC) is responsible for many of the Army’s general administrative services and the SPS is the largest branch within the AGC. Its personnel serve alongside and administer every unit in the British Army, providing specialist HR, Finance, Accounting and ICT support. The branch also provides clerical support to headquarters at all levels, including various departments of the MOD Head Office in Whitehall and the Permanent Joint Headquarters (PJHQ) at Northwood, working alongside counterparts in the Royal Navy and RAF, as well as in divisional and brigade headquarters and at unit and sub-unit level throughout the Land Forces.

'To retain the Corps of Royal Engineers Apprenticeships contract and win the new AGC (SPS) contract is clearly doubly pleasing. These successes are hard won and are a direct result of the diligent work and dedication shown by the apprenticeship delivery teams, who deliver to our customers and their apprentice learners right across the business and not just in the MOD space. We look forward to extending a warm welcome to the AGC (SPS) team when they move across to the business in early August 2018.

Of course, much hard work remains as we approach the move from Frameworks to Standards but our track record and the span of experience and skills we are building place us very well to meet these challenges.'

Martyn Leader - Vice President, Pearson TQ

Find out more about our work in supporting the MOD with their Apprenticeship programmes.