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Recent news and blog posts

  • Can we use digital innovations to tackle the top challenges in Maths?

    76% of maths teachers responding to Pearson’s 2024 School Report stated that teacher recruitment and retention was a top challenge for their school to manage. Followed by budget pressures (51%) and teacher/school leader workload (41%).

    These are all widespread issues affecting many maths teachers, day in and day out. They require whole-sector collaboration to improve. But there are also solutions available now to help ease the strain.

  • Digital Assessment Research: Mode Comparability

    Student performance across onscreen and paper-based exams

    We believe that exams should be a fair and accurate reflection of students’ performance – regardless of whether an exam is taken onscreen or on paper.

    That’s why our research focuses on many aspects of comparability – including student performance across paper and digital exams.