Multi-Academy Trusts

Supporting transformation and improvement across your trust

We understand that every trust has a unique set of needs. That’s why we’ll work with you to create the best package of teaching, learning and training solutions for your schools, teachers and learners.

By combining your knowledge and leadership, with our publishing, content and assessment expertise, we can drive real transformation and excellence in education.

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Carolyn Green

National Multi Academy Trusts


Jenny Wallin

National Multi Academy Trusts


Helen Baggaley

National Multi Academy Trusts


Katie Light

South East

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Lisa Keys

South East

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Shelley Stanton

South East

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Lucy Smith


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Michelle Juffs


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Rebecca Hudson

North West and Midlands

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Aneeta Raindi

North West and Midlands

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Caroline Boxall

North West and Midlands

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Adam Hammond

North and Scotland

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Mike Preston

North and Scotland

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Rachel Smith  

North and Scotland

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