Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Committed to driving positive change

We believe everyone should have the same opportunity to achieve their full potential and to be successful in education - whatever their background, ability or identity. Which is why we're working hard to ensure that education is inclusive.

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Find out how about the work we're doing to champion more inclusive education in subjects

Latest blogs

  • Digital Assessment Research: Mode Comparability

    Student performance across onscreen and paper-based exams

    We believe that exams should be a fair and accurate reflection of students’ performance – regardless of whether an exam is taken onscreen or on paper.

    That’s why our research focuses on many aspects of comparability – including student performance across paper and digital exams.

  • Digital Assessment Research: Text Styling and Formatting

    We believe that all students should be able to best show what they know and can do in exams – regardless of whether the exam is taken onscreen or on paper.   

    That’s why we’re continuously researching and gathering feedback to better understand and inform how we can enhance accessibility and inclusion in exams – including through text styling and formatting.

  • Digital Assessment Research: Marking Consistency

    We believe that exams should be a fair and accurate reflection of students’ performance – regardless of whether an exam is taken onscreen or on paper.

    That’s why our research programme not only focuses on comparability of student performance, but also explores if and how marking may compare between paper and digital exams formats.