Biological Psychology, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (February 24, 2011) © 2011

  • Fred Toates The Open University



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  • A print text (hardcover or paperback)
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  • A user-friendly approach guides students without a background in biology through the course of topics, without sacrificing depth or detail.

  • Learning outcomes, section summaries and 'test your knowledge' questions are included to aid the learning process and allow students to manage their progress.

  • Each chapter ends with a section entitled ‘bringing things together’, which encourages a wider and more considered understanding.

  • A dedicated feature on evolutionary psychology explains and explores this topic in depth.

  • Greater depth on neuroscience and its methods ensures students are introduced to the debates within this topical area.

  • ‘A personal angle’ introduces key figures.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Genes, Environment and Evolution

Chapter 3: The Nervous and Endocrine Systems

Chapter 4: Neurons: How They Work

Chapter 5: The Brain: Basics of Structure and Role

Chapter 6: Development and Plasticity

Chapter 7: Sensory Systems: General Principles

Chapter 8: Vision

Chapter 9: The Other Sensory Systems

Chapter 10: The Control of Movement

Chapter 11: Learning and Memory

Chapter 12: Emotion

Chapter 13: Stress and Coping

Chapter 14: Pain

Chapter 15: Motivation

Chapter 16: Feeding and Drinking

Chapter 17: Sexual Behaviour

Chapter 18: Drugs and Addiction

Chapter 19: Sleep and Walking

Chapter 20: Cognition and Action

Chapter 21: Consciousness

Chapter 22: When Things Go Wrong

Frederick Toates is a Professor of Biological Psychology at the Open University who has 44 years experience of researching and teaching the subject across the UK, continental Europe and the USA.

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