Educational Psychology, Pearson New International Edition, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (July 26, 2013) © 2013

  • Robert E. Slavin Johns Hopkins University



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From renowned educational psychologist, Robert Slavin, the Tenth Edition of this popular text translates theory into practices that teachers can use in their classrooms with deeper inquiry into the concept of intentionality and a thorough integration of standards.

This new edition highlights the most current issues and emerging trends in the field of educational psychology, while continuing to have in-depth, practical coverage with a focus on the intentional teacher. An “intentional teacher,” according to Slavin, is one who constantly reflects on his or her practice and makes instructional decisions based on a clear conception of how these practices affect students. To help readers become “intentional teachers,” the author offers a set of questions to guide them and models best practices through classroom examples.

Guided Study

To help students regulate their own learning, every chapter begins with a Chapter Outline and new Learning Outcomes to guide their reading; glossary and cross-reference Connections annotations in the margins; a Chapter Summary to helps students review their reading; and a list of Key Terms with page references is included at the end of each chapter.

The Intentional Teacher

Intentional teachers constantly think about the outcomes they want for their students and how each decision they make moves students toward those outcomes. A key feature in each chapter, The Intentional Teacher, is designed to help students develop and apply a set of strategies to carry out their intentionality. The Intentional Teacher will help students combine their increasing knowledge of principles of educational psychology, their growing experience with learners, and their creativity to make intentional instructional decisions.

Using Your Experience

Using Your Experience provides critical and creative thinking questions and cooperative learning activities that allow students to work with the issues raised in the chapter opening vignette, activate their prior knowledge, and begin thinking about the ideas the chapter will explore.

Personal Reflections Podcasts

Giving students access to the author’s own reflections on his experiences as a teacher, live interviews with Bob Slavin, called Personal Reflections Podcasts, are included throughout the new edition.

21st Century Learning

Throughout this book, a new feature presents information on 21st century learning that relates to the topic of the chapter. Beyond this, 21st century skills are discussed within the main parts of the text, as appropriate. Educational policies and practices usually lag behind changes in society and the economy. The emphasis on 21st century skills is intended to help educators think more deeply about how each of the decisions they make about curriculum, teaching methods, use of technology, assessments, and so on contribute to helping students succeed not only by today’s standards, but also in tomorrow’s world.

Theory into Practice

The Theory into Practice sections in each chapter help students acquire and develop the tools they need to be an effective teacher.


This edition has multiple tools to help students apply their learning to licensure and certification. In each chapter students can both identify and practice the appropriate knowledge and skills they have attained.

On the Web

All chapters include fully-updated On the Web features that list useful websites to provide further information on topics discussed in each chapter.


Intended to be humorous, yet also make students reflect, cartoons are created just for this book to illustrate key concepts in educational psychology.

New material on important and emerging topics in the field include:

  • 21st Century Skills (Chapter 1 and new features throughout)
  • Language and literacy development in the elementary years (Chapter 2)
  • New research on bilingual education (Chapter 4)
  • Emerging research in neuroscience (Chapter 6)
  • Expanded coverage on study strategies (Chapter 6)
  • The latest research on cooperative learning (Chapter 8)
  • New research on tutoring and small group remediation for struggling readers (Chapter 9)
  • Expanded coverage of differentiated instruction (Chapter 9)
  • New coverage of technology applications (Chapter 9)
  • New sections on bullying and classroom management (Chapter 11)
  • Expanded coverage of response to intervention (Chapter 12)
  • IEP’s (Chapter 12)
  • Expanded coverage on autism spectrum disorder (Chapter 12)
  • Additional coverage on value-added assessments (Chapter 14)
  • New information on testing accommodations for English learners (Chapter 14)

The tenth edition also includes a new appendix that correlates the content of each chapter to corresponding topics within the Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching Tests.

A MyEducationLab ( site specifically devoted to this edition of the text provides video, case studies, and other interactive media that serve as the basis of assignments. All online resources are supported by assessments and are highlighted at the end of each chapter.

Thoroughly updated citations ensure that the text is grounded in the most current research. The text has 656 new and updated references. 55% of all references are 2000 or later.

Chapter 1 - Educational Psychology: A Foundation for Teaching

Chapter 2 - Cognitive, Language, and Literacy Development

Chapter 3 - Social, Moral, and Emotional Development

Chapter 4 - Student Diversity

Chapter 5 - Information Processing and Cognitive Theories of Learning

Chapter 6 - Behavioral Theories of Learning

Chapter 7 - The Effective Lesson

Chapter 8 - Student-Centered and Constructivist Approaches to Instruction

Chapter 9 - Grouping, Differentiation, and Technology

Chapter 10 - Motivating Students to Learn

Chapter 11 - Effective Learning Environments

Chapter 12 - Learners with Exceptionalities

Chapter 13 - Assessing Student Learning

Chapter 14 - Standardized Tests and Accountability


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