Fundamentals of Management, Global Edition, 11th edition

Published by Pearson (July 29, 2019) © 2019

  • Stephen P. Robbins San Diego State University
  • Mary A. Coulter Missouri State University
  • David A. DeCenzo Coastal Carolina University



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This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States.

For undergraduate principles of marketing courses.

Everything students need to know to develop their ‘management sense’ and be successful

Fundamentals of Management covers the essential concepts of management by providing a solid foundation for understanding the key issues facing managers and organizations. The 11th Edition maintains a focus on learning and applying management theories, while now also highlighting opportunities to develop the skills in high demand by today’s employers. Fundamentals of Management offers an easy-to-understand, straightforward, and realistic approach to what works for managers and what doesn’t -- with the ultimate goal to help students be successful in their careers.

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Help students develop a ‘management sense’

· New and Updated - Bust This Myth chapter openers grab students’ attention by introducing common myths that they may have about management (e.g., globalization is a trend that's come and gone). These myths are then debunked, helping individuals to better understand and develop their own management sense. Videos are available for viewing in MyLab Management.

· New - With Experiential Exercises, students benefit from hands-on learning by collaborating with other students to complete relevant management tasks (e.g., writing a personal mission statement). All Experiential Exercises in the 11th Edition are new.

· Question of Ethics boxes guide students’ understanding of ethical issues in management. Related discussion questions are available in MyLab Management.

· End-of-Chapter Management Skill Builder exercises help students move from merely knowing concepts to actually being able to apply that knowledge. They also help students to develop the skills many of today’s hiring managers are looking for.

Link concepts to the real world

· New and Updated - Content covers current issues in organizational culture, anti-globalization, stumbling blocks to creativity, revision bias, crisis planning, digital tools as strategic weapons, managing disruptive innovation, remote work, multicultural brokers, inclusion, generational differences in the workplace, emotions and communication, alternate reality, toxic bosses, having civil conversations in the workplace, and workplace design.

· New - A new module on entrepreneurship reflects the recent growth in entrepreneurial ventures, helping students to understand trends happening in the real world. This text tackles tough issues such as globalization/anti-globalization, having civil conversations, anti-bias, and ethical dilemmas -- giving students an accurate depiction of the business environment today.

· New and Updated - 3 End-of-Chapter Application Cases per chapter feature real companies and real situations involving managers, management, and organizations. To help students apply management concepts to the real world, cases ask students to assess a situation and answer questions about "how,” "why" and "what would [they] do?" Fifty-eight percent of all cases in the text are new and cover a variety of companies including WalMart, Intel, and NCAA Basketball.

· New - Several new examples throughout include Facebook’s public scrutiny over what it was doing and not doing to protect its community of users, BMW’s sustainability actions, digital currency use in Sweden, European “zombie” companies, Hootsuite’s culture, the global cashew industry, Fox Sports World Cup advertising challenge, the organizational redesign at The Wall Street Journal, and many others.

· New - Material on Early Twentieth Century Contributors: A Diversity Perspective highlights noteworthy individuals and their contributions to management practices, helping students connect management history to the present.

Assist students in developing the skills sought after by employers

· A very well known author team, that has worked together professionally as well as served as instructors, understands the career and scholarly goals of students and effectively caters to these needs.

· New - A new Employability Skills Matrix at the end of Chapter 1 provides students with a visual guide to features that support the development of ski

Help students develop a ‘management sense’

· Bust This Myth chapter openers grab students’ attention by introducing common myths that they may have about management (e.g., globalization is a trend that's come and gone). These myths are then debunked, helping individuals to better understand and develop their own management sense. Videos are available for viewing in MyLab Management.

· With Experiential Exercises, students benefit from hands-on learning by collaborating with other students to complete relevant management tasks (e.g., writing a personal mission statement). All Experiential Exercises in the 11th Edition are new.

Link concepts to the real world

· Content covers current issues in organizational culture, anti-globalization, stumbling blocks to creativity, revision bias, crisis planning, digital tools as strategic weapons, managing disruptive innovation, remote work, multicultural brokers, inclusion, generational differences in the workplace, emotions and communication, alternate reality, toxic bosses, having civil conversations in the workplace, and workplace design.

· A new module on entrepreneurship reflects the recent growth in entrepreneurial ventures, helping students to understand trends happening in the real world. This text tackles tough issues such as globalization/anti-globalization, having civil conversations, anti-bias, and ethical dilemmas — giving students an accurate depiction of the business environment today.

· 3 End-of-Chapter Application Cases per chapter feature real companies and real situations involving managers, management, and organizations. To help students apply management concepts to the real world, cases ask students to assess a situation and answer questions about "how,” "why" and "what would [they] do?" Fifty-eight percent of all cases in the text are new and cover a variety of companies including WalMart, Intel, and NCAA Basketball.

· Several new examples throughout include Facebook’s public scrutiny over what it was doing and not doing to protect its community of users, BMW’s sustainability actions, digital currency use in Sweden, European “zombie” companies, Hootsuite’s culture, the global cashew industry, Fox Sports World Cup advertising challenge, the organizational redesign at The Wall Street Journal, and many others.

· Material on Early Twentieth Century Contributors: A Diversity Perspective highlights noteworthy individuals and their contributions to management practices, helping students connect management history to the present.

Assist students in developing the skills sought after by employers

· A new Employability Skills Matrix at the end of Chapter 1 provides students with a visual guide to features that support the development of skills employers are looking for in today’s business graduates. This helps students see from the start of the semester the relevance of the course to their career goals.

· Employability skills are presented throughout the book. Each chapter is loaded with opportunities for students to use and work on the skills (e.g., critical thinking, communication, collaboration, knowledge application and analysis, and social responsibility) they’ll need to be successful in the twenty-first century workplace.

o Making Ethical Decisions in Today’s Workplace for Chapter 4 presents students with an ethical dilemma so they can practice their skills in ethical decision-making and critical decision-making. Sixty percent of these are new to the 11th Edition.



Chapter 1 Managing Today

History Module A Brief History of Management’s Roots

Chapter 2 The Manager as Decision Maker

Quantitative Module Quantitative Decision-Making Tools

Chapter 3 Important Managerial Issues



Chapter 4 The Management Environment 

Chapter 5 Managing Change and Innovation

Entrepreneurship Module Managing Entrepreneurial Ventures

Chapter 6 Planning and Goal Setting



Chapter 7 Structuring and Designing Organizations

Chapter 8 Managing Human Resources and Diversity

Professionalism Module Professionalism and Employability

Chapter 9 Managing Work Groups and Work Teams



Chapter 10 Understanding Individual Behavior

Chapter 11 Motivating and Rewarding Employees

Chapter 12 Understanding Leadership

Chapter 13 Managing Organizational and Interpersonal Communication



Chapter 14 Controlling Work and Organizational Processes

Operations Module Managing Operations

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