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Published by Pearson (August 12, 2019) © 2020
Thistitle is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has workedclosely with educators around the world to include content which is especiallyrelevant to students outside the United States.
Forintroductory courses in IS (information systems) and MIS (managementinformation systems).
Theauthoritative, case-based study of IS in business today
ManagementInformation Systems: Managing the Digital Firm provides the most comprehensiveoverview of information systems used by business firms today, while drawingconnections between MIS and business performance. The Laudons are known fortheir outstanding real-world case studies, which describe how well-knowncompanies use IT to solve problems and achieve business objectives. Studentsdevelop sought-after skills, such as leading IS-related management discussionsand using IT to meet bottom-line results. Each chapter of the 16th editionfeatures all-new Interactive Sessions, new Video Cases, and a new CareerOpportunities section building practical job-seeking skills.
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PearsonHorizon is an easy-to-use, local-language digital platform that deliverspopular Pearson titles through a customizable, personalized learning experience— all while staying relevant to your area of the world. Pearson Horizon isavailable for select titles and in select geographies. For purchase options, please contact your Pearsonrepresentative.
Integrated hands-on learning
· New - Interactive Sessions are two short cases per chapter redesigned as activelearning opportunities for use in the classroom or on online discussion boards.Each case concludes with case study questions.
· Hands-on MIS Projects at the end of each chapter include three project types: managementdecision problems; a software exercise using Microsoft® Excel,Access, or web page and blog creation tools; and a project that develops internetbusiness skills.
· A Collaborationand Teamwork Project in each chapter develops teamwork and presentationskills, with options for using open-source collaboration tools such as GoogleDriveTM or Google DocsTM.
Student-focused learning with real-world applications
· Learning objectives are organized around study questions to focus student attention. Eachchapter concludes with a review summary and review questions drawing on thesestudy questions.
· Updated - Case studies using current examples show how well-known companies useinformation systems to achieve business objectives, including Uber®,NFL®, Facebook®, Crayola®, Walmart®,Amazon®, Google®, Starbucks®, and GE®.
· New - A Career Opportunities section, a new feature of each chapter,helps students use this text as a tool for job hunting and career building. Itincludes an entry-level job description related to chapter topics,business-related questions that might arise during an interview, and tips foranswering those questions and preparing for the interview.
New and updated coverage
· Updated - Chapter 11has been rewritten with new coverage of artificial intelligence,including machine learning, natural language systems, computer vision systems,and robotics, reflecting surging interest in business uses of AI.
· Expanded - Coverage of social business now examines “deep learning,” supervisedlearning, unsupervised learning, edge computing, 5G networks, general dataprotection regulation (GDPR), blockchain, data lake, distributed database, andFinTech.
· Updated - The text,figures, tables, and cases have been updated with the latest sources fromindustry and MIS research as of September 2018.
This title isavailable with Pearson Horizon, an easy-to-use, local-language digital platform thatdelivers a customizable, personalized learning experience — all while stayingrelevant to your area of the world. Pearson Horizon is available for selecttitles and in select geographies. For purchase options, please contact yourPearson representative.
· Deliver content digitally. Get all the benefits of our widely used content within aneasy-to-use, personalized digital platform with customizable features.
· Optimize and personalize learning. Engage students with a blended learningapproach merging digital content with complementary homework, tutorials, andassessments.
· Customize your course. Create a learning path with existing content, whiledeveloping original activities and uploading your own multimedia resources.
· Offer flexible study options. Give students instant access to mobile-friendly coursecontent, whether they’re online or offline.
Integrated hands-on learning
· Interactive Sessions are two short cases per chapter redesigned as activelearning opportunities for use in the classroom or on online discussion boards.Each case concludes with case study questions.
Student-focused learning with real-world applications
· Case studies using current examples show how well-known companies use informationsystems to achieve business objectives, including Uber®, NFL®,Facebook®, Crayola®, Walmart®, Amazon®,Google®, Starbucks®, and GE®.
· A Career Opportunities section, a new feature of each chapter, helpsstudents use this text as a tool for job hunting and career building. Itincludes an entry-level job description related to chapter topics,business-related questions that might arise during an interview, and tips foranswering those questions and preparing for the interview.
New and updated coverage
· Chapter 11has been rewritten with new coverage of artificial intelligence,including machine learning, natural language systems, computer vision systems,and robotics, reflecting surging interest in business uses of AI.
· Coverage of social business now examines “deep learning,” supervised learning,unsupervised learning, edge computing, 5G networks, general data protectionregulation (GDPR), blockchain, data lake, distributed database, and FinTech.
· The text,figures, tables, and cases have been updated with the latest sources fromindustry and MIS research as of September 2018.
This title isavailable with Pearson Horizon, an easy-to-use, local-language digital platform thatdelivers a customizable, personalized learning experience — all while stayingrelevant to your area of the world. Pearson Horizon is available for selecttitles and in select geographies. For purchase options, please contact yourPearson representative.
· Deliver content digitally. Get all the benefits of our widely used content within aneasy-to-use, personalized digital platform with customizable features.
· Optimize and personalize learning. Engage students with a blended learningapproach merging digital content with complementary homework, tutorials, andassessments.
· Customize your course. Create a learning path with existing content, whiledeveloping original activities and uploading your own multimedia resources.
· Offer flexible study options. Give students instant access to mobile-friendly coursecontent, whether they’re online or offline.
1.Information Systems in Global Business Today
2. GlobalE-Business and Collaboration
3.Information Systems, Organizations, and Strategy
4. Ethicaland Social Issues in Information Systems
5. ITInfrastructure and Emerging Technologies
6.Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management
7.Telecommunications, the Internet, and Wireless Technology
8. SecuringInformation Systems
9. AchievingOperational Excellence and Customer Intimacy: Enterprise Applications
10.E-commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods
11. ManagingKnowledge and Artificial Intelligence
12. EnhancingDecision Making
13. BuildingSystems
14. ManagingProjects
15. ManagingGlobal Systems
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Reach every student with MyLab®. This flexible digital platform combines trusted author content, online assessments and customisable features so you can personalise learning and improve results, one student at a time.
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Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, Global Edition