Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communications, Global Edition, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (October 26, 2017) © 2018

  • Kenneth E. Clow
  • Donald E Baack Pittsburg State University



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For advertising courses.

Integrated advertising and marketing communications taught through real-life application

Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications speaks to an evolved definition of integrated marketing and teaches students how to effectively communicate in the business world. It champions the importance of integrating all marketing communications and helps students understand how communications are produced and transmitted. This text covers advertising and promotions, the role of social media, blogs, mobile messaging, and other marketing tactics. To help students retain ideas, each chapter includes tools that allow students to apply concepts to real-­life situations. The 8th Edition includes extensive analysis of social media, Internet blogs, and mobile helping students understand the vital links marketers use to connect with consumers.

Pearson MyLab Marketing not included. Students, if MyLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson rep for more information.

MyLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.

This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content, which is especially relevant to students outside the United States.

About the book

Examining real-world experiences in communications

· EXPANDED! An active blog is still maintained by the authors at The authors post weekly news articles, videos, and items of interest to individuals using this text. The blog aims to provide information about current events that relate to the book. Textbook adopters can use these blog entries to enhance classroom presentations or as assignments for individual students or even small groups.

· Interviews and quotes with advertising professionals, integrated throughout the chapters, add commentary and perspective on various marketing and promotions topics and give students an important perspective on real­-world applications.

· EXPANDED! Many new opening vignettes and cases--including stories about Nescafe, Sephora, and McDonald’s All-Day Breakfast program--keep the book updated and current. These accompany vignettes featured in the 7th Edition regarding Wholly Guacamole, Zehnder Communications, Huggies Pull-ups, and Interstate Batteries, which introduce students to the concepts presented throughout the chapter.

· UPDATED! Increased emphasis on social media highlights how social media is one of the most rapidly evolving aspects of advertising and promotion. Emphasis is placed on the ways companies currently use social media for marketing purposes and how it is integrated with other communication strategies.

· UPDATED! End-of-Chapter Cases aim to help students learn by providing plausible scenarios that require thought about and review of chapter materials. With 12 new cases and additional revisions, the short cases should help students conceptually understand chapter components and larger, more general marketing issues.

· NEW! Significant new advertisements have been added throughout the text. These resulted from interactions with advertising agencies by the authors.

· International marketing issues feature international concerns that match the presented materials. Also, a section called International Implications is found at the end of every chapter.

· UPDATED! Current examples of marketing communications principles provide students with up-­to-­date information about companies.

· EXPANDED! Critical-thinking exercises and discussion questions help students comprehend and apply chapter concepts. These exercises are designed to challenge students’ thinking and encourage them to dig deeper. These critical-thinking and discussion exercises require them to apply knowledge to a wide array of marketing situations.

· NEW! Creative Corner exercises give students the opportunity to use their creative abilities by asking them to design advertisements and other marketing-related materials. The exercises help students realize that they are more creative than they might think.

· Integrated learning exercises guide students to the Internet to access information that ties into the subject matter covered. These exercises provide students with an opportunity to look up various companies and organizations to see how they utilize the concepts presented in the chapter.

· UPDATED! The digital media chapter explores how digit

About the book

Examining real-world experiences in communications

· An active blog is still maintained by the authors at The authors post weekly news articles, videos, and items of interest to individuals using this text. The blog aims to provide information about current events that relate to the book. Textbook adopters can use these blog entries to enhance classroom presentations or as assignments for individual students or even small groups.

· Many new opening vignettes and cases--including stories about Nescafe, Sephora, and McDonald’s All-Day Breakfast program--keep the book updated and current. These accompany vignettes featured in the 7th Edition regarding Wholly Guacamole, Zehnder Communications, Huggies Pull-ups, and Interstate Batteries, which introduce students to the concepts presented throughout the chapter.

· Increased emphasis on social media highlights how social media is one of the most rapidly evolving aspects of advertising and promotion. Emphasis is placed on the ways companies currently use social media for marketing purposes and how it is integrated with other communication strategies.

· End-of-Chapter Cases aim to help students learn by providing plausible scenarios that require thought about and review of chapter materials. With 12 new cases and additional revisions, the short cases should help students conceptually understand chapter components and larger, more general marketing issues.

· Significant new advertisements have been added throughout the text. These resulted from interactions with advertising agencies by the authors.

· Current examples of marketing communications principles provide students with up-­to-­date information about companies.

· Critical-thinking exercises and discussion questions help students comprehend and apply chapter concepts. These exercises are designed to challenge students’ thinking and encourage them to dig deeper. These critical-thinking and discussion exercises require them to apply knowledge to a wide array of marketing situations.

· Creative Corner exercises give students the opportunity to use their creative abilities by asking them to design advertisements and other marketing-related materials. The exercises help students realize that they are more creative than they might think.

· The digital media chapter explores how digital media and mobile have changed the ways that companies market products, and outlines the most current industry practices. The section on mobile marketing has been expanded to coincide with a shift of marketing dollars to those activities.

Pearson MyLab Marketingnot included. Students, if MyLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

· Integrated Campaigns in Action consist of a series of presentations about actual marketing programs, as created and designed by professional agencies.

Part I: The IMC Foundation   

1. Integrated Marketing Communications

2. Brand Management

3. Buyer Behaviors

4. The IMC Planning Process


Part II: IMC Advertising Tools   

5. Advertising Campaign Management

6. Advertising Design

7. Traditional Media Channels


Part III: Digital and Alternative Marketing

8. Digital Marketing

9. Social Media

10. Alternative Marketing


Part IV: IMC Promotional Tools

11. Database and Direct Response Marketing and Personal Selling

12. Sales Promotions

13. Public Relations and Sponsorship Programs


Part V: IMC Ethics, Regulation, and Evaluation

14. Relations and Ethical Concerns

15. Evaluating an Integrated Marketing Program   


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