Student Success Services
Supporting learning without limits

Enhancing your students’ transition support and skills development
Ensuring all your students experience a smooth transition and can progress confidently through this next year of their studies – regardless of where they are studying – is critical to your institution's success.
We can help you with this.
Universities across the UK are partnering with us to ensure that their support is able to reach all of their students, when their students really need it.
With both new and returning students feeling disconnected, and the risk that this brings to their learning, we can help you put additional measures in place that complements and enhances your existing provision to ensure students have equal access to support.
Our suite of online student services can enable both a more in-depth, tailored induction and ongoing support that will help students develop the skills, behaviours and attitudes they'll need to progress successfully through their course.
Discover how our easy-to-implement and customisable online Student Success Services could enhance your students' learning experience.
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Get FREE access to our Wellbeing Unit
We acknowledge how important students’ mental health is and to support this, our Wellbeing unit is FREE to all students to use. Learn more below or download the Wellbeing unit here.

Conley Readiness Index
This online student readiness and skills analysis tool assesses and identifies students’ strengths and weaknesses related to their skills, behaviours and attitudes.
The report generated by the 30 minute CRI assessment actively encourages students to adopt behaviours or seek out resources to remediate skills gaps and generates actionable data for educators that enables them to offer personalised feedback at scale.
More about Conley Readiness Index

Online Learning Units
These self-paced, interactive online learning modules are designed to support students with both academic and personal aspects of university life, such as Transitioning into University, Wellbeing, Learning Online, Skills for University Success and International Students Guide to UK.
The Units give students opportunities to develop key skills and build confidence, which in turn can lead to stronger engagement, higher retention and more successful outcomes.
Find out more and request free access to the Wellbeing unit.
Easy to integrate into your VLE
Integrating our Student Success Services into your existing provision can help students hit the ground running and feel better prepared to progress through their course. These services are designed to help you widen participation and improve students' experience – leading to stronger retention and better outcomes.
The components of the service are designed to be tailored to your university’s existing provision and your students’ ongoing needs.
Our expert team will work with you to review your existing support and tailor a solution based on your student and institutional needs. This is created by using all or some elements of our Student Success Service.
The integration of your bespoke solution will be supported at every step, to ensure an efficient, seamless experience for staff and students.
“We wanted to weave in more flexible, anytime, anywhere online support and balance that with our own existing in-person and embedded on-campus provision. There are always going to be students that can’t get to one-to-ones with their tutors – whether face-to-face or online – so how could we extend that reach beyond the working day?
Smarthinking helps us do that because it's available 24/7, so students can access it when they need it. This in turn frees up more time for staff to address students that need particular kinds of interventions.”
Michele Milner, Director of Learning and Wellbeing, Royal Veterinary College
Implementation support
- You will have access to a dedicated Training Consultant to make sure implementation, for staff and students, runs smoothly.
- The components are all online, helping you shift your provision to a digital environment.
- Everything sits in your university’s VLE, meaning access is easy and consistent with students’ existing experience.
- Data derived from the services can help influence your ongoing provision.
Learn more
Universities currently implementing our Student Success Service are doing so in various ways to achieve different goals and we’re delighted to be working with a number of universities across the UK.
Discover how our Student Success Service could help you meet your goals
Please get in touch using the form below to find out more about all, or part of, the Student Success Service.