Higher Technical Education
For many years, Pearson has been on the forefront of level 4 and 5 Higher Technical Education, offering BTEC Higher National Certificates and Diplomas is several key sectors, and now we are proud to offer Higher Technical Qualifications in these sectors too.
BTEC Higher Nationals and Higher Technical Qualifications
At Pearson, we believe that there is a need and opportunity for more young people and adults to be undertaking Higher Technical Education in future, which is why we are committed to making sure our BTEC Higher National qualifications are a high-value choice.
Explore our full list of approved HTQs
Alternatively, if you would like to know more about how your centre can collaborate with us, or offer one of our existing HTQs
About Higher Technical Qualifications
In October 2017 the UK’s Department for Education began a wholescale review (the Review) of Higher Technical Education (HTE) at Level 4 and 5 in England. The purpose of the review was to highlight the value of these qualifications, to clearly signpost to students and employers the opportunities for higher education through HTEs, driving participation.
The approvals process is led by the Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education (the Institute), with employer review a central feature of the approvals process. Once approved, qualifications will be designated as Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQ) and may be eligible for increased funding.
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