Midwifery and BTEC Health and Social Care
Midwifery is a demanding yet incredibly rewarding career, requiring real dedication, determination, and a desire to achieve.
More than ever, midwives are needed in the NHS.
The best way to begin a career in midwifery is to progress to Higher Education with a Level 3 qualification such as the BTEC Level 3 National in Health and Social Care.

From BTEC Health and Social Care to a career in midwifery
Hear from our BTEC learners
Delivering BTEC Health and Social Care
Why should you offer the qualification to your learners?
Early input from the higher education sector and employers ensures that the BTEC Level 3 National in Health and Social Care is in line with sector needs and addresses the well-documented skills shortage within the field of midwifery.
Learners taking the BTEC can tailor their study to fit their own plans and learning styles.
As BTEC Nationals are modular, learners can select optional areas of study, and can build up from a small to a larger sized qualification as their career goals evolve.