Readings in Social Psychology: General, Classic, and Contemporary Selections, 8th edition

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  • Wayne A. Lesko
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Provides a breadth of exposure to information in the field

Readings in Social Psychology: General, Classic, and Contemporary Selections exposes readers to the scope and variety of information available in social psychology.

The collection of readings provides the reader with a range of articles in social psychology and is accompanied by critical thinking and integrative questions. It utilizes general, classic, and contemporary sources of material and presents full articles, unlike many comparable books. This detailed exposure of the reader to full-length articles, especially the classic and contemporary sources, provides a level of understanding not found in abridged materials. Students gain a greater understanding of the articles in each chapter with critical thinking and chapter integration questions that allow them to connect materials to other topics and to their own lives.

Teaching & Learning Experience

  • Personalize Learning – The new MySearchLab with eText delivers proven results in helping students succeed and provides engaging experiences that personalize learning.
  • Improve Critical Thinking – Critical thinking questions accompany each article.
  • Apply Social Psychology and Engage Students – Readings show how the field relates to today’s social world.
  • Explore Research – Contemporary, classic, and general articles are included to provide a depth of information.
  • Support Instructors – Videos on DVD including new ABC “What Would You Do?” help instructors keep students engaged throughout every class.





Chapter 1: The Field of Social Psychology

Chapter 2: Social Perception

Chapter 3: Social Cognition
Chapter 4: Attitudes

Chapter 5: Social Identity

Chapter 6: Prejudice and Discrimination

Chapter 7: Interpersonal Attraction

Chapter 8: Close Relationships

Chapter 9: Social Influence

Chapter 10: Prosocial Behavior

Chapter 11: Aggression

Chapter 12: Group Behavior

Chapter 13: Business Psychology

Chapter 14: Forensic Psychology

Chapter 15: Health Psychology


Chapter 1: The Field of Social Psychology

Article 1 How to be a wise consumer of psychological research, by The American Psychological Association

Article 2 Human use of human subjects: The problem of deception in social psychological research, by Herbert C. Kelman

Article 3 Social influences on paranormal belief: Popular versus scientific support, by Heather Ridolfo, Amy Baxter, and Jeffrey W. Lucas

Chapter 2: Social Perception

Article 4 The once-over: Can you trust first impressions? by Carlin Flora

Article 5 The warm-cold variable in first impressions of persons, by Harold H. KelleyArticle 6 Indirect detection of deception: Looking for change, by Christian L. Hart, Derek G. Fillmore, and James D. Griffith

Chapter 3: Social Cognition

Article 7 Some systematic biases in everyday judgment, by Thomas Gilovich

Article 8 Cognitive, social, and physiological determinants of emotional states, by Stanley Schachter and Jerome E. Singer

Article 9 Lasting false beliefs and their behavioral consequences, by Elke Geraerts, Daniel M. Bernstein, Harald Merckelbach, Christel Linders, Linsey Raymackers, and Elizabeth F. LoftusChapter Four: Attitudes

Article 10 Changing behavior by degrees, by Michael Price

Article 11 Cognitive consequences of forced compliance, by Leon Festinger and James M. Carlsmith

Article 12 The origins of cognitive dissonance: Evidence from children and monkeys, by Louisa C. Egan, Laurie R. Santos, and Paul Bloom

Chapter 5: Social Identity

Article 13 The many me’s of the self-monitor, by Mark Snyder

Article 14 The measurement of psychological androgyny, by Sandra L. Bem

Article 15 Reducing narcissistic aggression by buttressing self-esteem: An experimental field study, by Sander Thomaes, Brad J. Bushman, Bram Orobio de Castro, Geoffrey L. Cohen, and Jaap J.A. Denissen

Chapter 6: Prejudice and Discrimination

Article 16 Unmasking "racial micro aggressions", by Tori DeAngelis

Article 17 Attitudes vs. actions, by Richard T. LaPiere

Article 18 Interracial roommate relationships: An experimental field test of the contact hypothesis, by Natalie J. Shook and Russell H. Fazio

Chapter 7: Interpersonal Attraction

Article 19 Why I hate beauty, by Michael Levine with Hara Estroff Marano

Article 20 What is beautiful is good, by Karen Dion,m Ellen Berscheid, and Elaine Walster

Article 21 The ability to judge the romantic interest of others, by Skyler S. Place, Peter M. Todd, Lars Penke, and Jens B. Asendorpf

Chapter 8: Close Relationships

Article 22 Great expectations, by Polly Shulman

Article 23 "Playing hard to get": Understanding an elusive phenomenon, by Elaine Hatfield, G. William Walster, Jane Piliavin, and Lynn SchmidtArticle 24 Does a long-term relationship kill romantic love?, by Bianca P. Acevedo and Arthur Aron

Chapter 9: Social Influence

Article 25 Revisiting the Stanford Prison Experiment: A lesson in the power of the situation, by Phillip G. Zimbardo

Article 26 Behavioral study of obedience, by Stanley Milgram

Article 27 The constructive, destructive, and reconstructive power of social norms, by P. Wesley Schultz, Jessica M. Nolan, Robert B. Cialdini, Noah J. Goldstein, and Vladus Griskevicius

Chapter 10: Prosocial Behavior

Article 28 Nice by nature? by Sadie F. Dingfelder

Article 29 "From Jerusalem to Jericho": A study of situational and dispositional variables in helping behavior, by John M. Darley and C. Daniel Batson

Article 30 Comfortably numb: Desensitizing effects of violent media on helping others, by Brad J. Bushman and Craig A. Anderson

Chapter 11: Aggression

Article 31 Understanding terrorism, by Tori DeAngelis

Article 32 Transmission of aggression through imitation of aggressive models, by Albert Bandura, Dororthea Ross, and Sheila A. Ross

Article 33 School violence and the culture of honor, by Ryan P. Brown, Lindsey L. Osterman, and Collin D. Barnes

Chapter 12: Group Behavior

Article 34 Group decision fiascoes continue: Space Shuttle Challenger and a revised groupthink framework, by Gregory Moorhead, Richard Ference, and Chris P. Neck

Article 35 The effect of threat upon interpersonal bargaining, by Morton Deutsch and Robert M. Krause

Article 36 Can high group cohesion be harmful? A case study of a junior ice-hockey team, by Esa Rovio, Jari Eskola, Stephen A. Kozub, Joan L. Duda, and Taru Lintuner

Chapter 13: Business Psychology

Article 37 When followers become toxic, by Lynn R. Offerman

Article 38 One more time: How do you motivate employees? by Fredrick Herzberg

Article 39 Impact of emotional intelligence and other factors on perception of ethical behavior of peers, by Jacob Joseph, Kevin Berry, and Satish P. Deshpande

Chapter 14: Forensic Psychology

Article 40 The psychology and power of false confessions, by Ian Herbert

Article 41 Beautiful but dangerous: Effects of offender attractiveness and nature of the crime on juridic judgment, by Harold Sigall and Nancy Ostrove

Article 42 Attractive but guilty: Deliberation and the physical attractiveness bias, by Mark W. Patry

Chapter 15: Health Psychology

Article 43 Understanding the have-knots, by Eric Wargo

Article 44 The social readjustment rating scale, by Thomas H. Holmes and Richard H. Rahe

Article 45 Psychosocial predictors of resilience after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, by Lisa D. Butler, Cheryl Koopman, Jay Azarow, Christine M. Blasey, Juliette C. Magadalene, Sue DiMiceli, David A. Seagraves, T. Anderew Hastings, Xin-HuaChen, Robert W. Garlan, Helena C. Kraemer, and David Spiegel

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