Human Services: Concepts and Intervention Strategies, 11th edition

Published by Pearson (September 13, 2010) © 2011

  • Joseph J. Mehr
  • Ronald Kanwischer
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PART I  Orientation and Perspective


1  Human Services: A New Direction    

What Is a Human Services Worker? Multiple Views    

Box 1.1: Typical Employment Titles for Human Service Workers    

Current Conceptions of Human Services Systems    

Box 1.2: “There She Lies, the Great Melting Pot”    

Social Policy and Human Services    


Discussion Questions   

Learning Experiences    


Recommended Readings    

Internet Sites    


2  A History of Helping    

The Dark Past of Helping    

Social Welfare: Toward a Community Approach    

Box 2.1: A History of Prejudice    


Discussion Questions  

Learning Experiences    


Recommended Readings    

Internet Sites    


PART II  Human Services: Defining Roles, Problems, and Boundaries


3  Human Service Workers: Agents of Change    

Human Services: A New Profession    

Role Functions of the Human Service Worker    

Human Service Workers: What They Really Do    

Human Service Workers in a Multicultural Society    

Competence and Credentialing    


Discussion Questions    

Learning Experiences    


Recommended Readings    

Internet Sites    


4  Human Services: Identifying Problems and Causes    

Identifying Problems    

Theoretical Causes of Problem Behavior    

An Ecological Synthesis: The Life Matrix    


Discussion Questions    

Learning Experiences    

Recommended Readings    

Internet Sites  


5  Human Services Boundaries: Special Populations, Special Systems    

Problems and Services for Children and Adolescents    

Box 5.1: Cultural Diversity in the Workplace    

Box 5.2: Types of Out-of-Home Placement    

Domestic Abuse Services    

Problems and Services for the Elderly    

Drug Abuse: The Problem and Human Services    

Services for Mentally Retarded People    

Mental Health Problems and Service Systems    

Correctional Systems    

Poverty: A Common Denominator    

Homeless People    

The Multiproblem Client    


Discussion Questions    

Learning Experiences    

Recommended Readings    

Internet Sites    


PART III Contemporary Strategies


6  Medical and Psychiatric Approaches and the Person in Need    

AIDS: Physical Disease as a Human Services Issue    

Box 6.1: HIV/AIDS in the Cross-Cultural Context    

The Basics of the Medical and Psychiatric Models    

Common Treatment Strategies of the Psychiatric Model    

Prospects for the Medical and Psychiatric Models    


Discussion Questions    

Learning Experiences    

Recommended Readings    

Internet Sites    


7  Behavioral Approaches and the Person in Need    

Four Models of Learned Behavior    

Learning Problem Behaviors    

Representative Behavioral Treatment Approaches    

The Effectiveness of Behavioral Strategies    


Discussion Questions   

Learning Experiences    

Recommended Readings    

Internet Sites    


8  Psychotherapeutic Approaches and the Person in Need    


Rogers’s Client-Centered Therapy    

Prescriptive Psychotherapy    

Box 8.1: Some Ethnocultural Issues and Psychotherapists    

Structural Variations of the Psychotherapeutic Approaches    

Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Psychotherapeutic Approaches    


Discussion Questions    

Learning Experiences    


Recommended Readings    

Internet Sites    


9  Integrating Contemporary Strategies, Personal Relationship Skills, and the Supervisory Process    

Using Contemporary Strategies    

Using Personal Relationship Skills    

Box 9.1: Cross-Cultural Communication Barriers and Strategies for Breaking Through    

Who Helps the Helper? Supervision and Teamwork    


Discussion Questions    

Learning Experiences    

Recommended Readings    

Internet Sites    


PART IV  Human Services and Psychosocial Change Agentry


10  Problem Assessment, Planning, and Brokering    

Typical Problems Seen by Human Service Workers    

The Need for Assessment    

Principles of Triage    

The Initial Assessment Interview    


Discussion Questions    

Learning Experiences    

Recommended Readings    

Internet Site    


11  Case Management: The Cornerstone for Human Services    

Approaches to Case Management    

Case Management in a Variety of Settings    

Box 11.1: That Other Kind of Case Management    

Issues in Case Management    


Discussion Questions    

Learning Experiences    

Recommended Readings    

Internet Site   


12  Inspiring Change in Human Services Clients    

The Process of Change    

Motivation for Change    

Motivational Interviewing    


Discussion Questions    

Learning Experiences    

Recommended Readings    

Internet Site    


13  Crisis Intervention    

Understanding Crisis States    

Signs of Crisis States    

Crisis Behavior during Major Disasters    

Box 13.1: Differences in the Responses of Children and Adolescents to Disasters by General Age Group    

Common Crisis Situations    

Intervening in the Crisis    

Box 13.2: Desirable Characteristics, Skills, and Abilities of Crisis Workers    

Box 13.3: Myths about Suicide    

Crisis Intervention for the Crisis Worker    

The Goal and Setting of Crisis Intervention    


Discussion Questions    

Learning Experiences    


Recommended Readings    

Internet Sites    


14  Social Intervention: Prevention through Environmental Change    

Prevention in Human Services    

Limited Social Intervention    

Box 14.1: The Ethnic Agency    

Comprehensive Social Intervention    

Sociocultural Intervention in Human Services    

Box 14.2: Traditional Cultural Helpers and Human Services    

Human Services and Social Advocacy    


Discussion Questions    

Learning Experiences    


Recommended Readings    

Internet Sites    


15  Social Control, Human Rights, Ethics, and the Law    

Box 15.1: A Lack of Cultural Sensitivity?    

The Therapeutic State    

Human Rights Issues and Human Services    

A Human Services Bill of Rights   

Ethical Standards for Human Service Workers   


Discussion Questions 

Learning Experiences


Recommended Readings

Internet Sites





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