Hacking the Digital Print: Alternative image capture and printmaking processes with a special section on 3D printing, 1st edition

Published by New Riders (January 24, 2015) © 2015

  • Bonny Pierce Lhotka
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Artist Bonny Lhotka’s Hacking The Digital Print provides student artists and photographers with new and unique ways to express their creative vision through inventive and affordable printmaking techniques.
Hacking The Digital Print includes methods for modifying images using custom filters and lenses before they are even captured by the camera as well as non-toxic digital alternatives to classic printmaking techniques, such as transferring images to glass, fabric, and furniture. In addition to recreating popular looks from the past, Lhotka takes readers into the future with step-by-step tutorials on 3D printmaking using the Makerbot, which is the 3D printer market leader, and the non-toxic PLA plastic in the Replicator 2 (retails for around $2000).
  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Materials
  • Chapter 3: Equipment
  • Chapter 4: Preparing for the Shoot
  • Chapter 5: Mirrors and Mylar Reflection
  • Chapter 6: Distortion Filters
  • Chapter 7: Lens Modifiers
  • Chapter 8: Custom Textures
  • Chapter 9: Gallery of Work: Altered Reality
  • Chapter 10: Photographic Mixed Media
  • Chapter 11: Mixed Media Decals
  • Chapter 12: Image Transfer to Glass
  • Chapter 13: WonderSauce Transfer Process
  • Chapter 14: Gallery of Work: Mixed Media Photographs
  • Chapter 15: Introduction to Printing
  • Chapter 16: Skin Applique to 3D Printed Objects
  • Chapter 17: Hydrographic Coloration of 3D Printed Objects
  • Chapter 18: Modern Lithophanes
  • Chapter 19: Gallery of Work: New Frontiers
  • Index

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