Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (April 15, 2020) © 2021

  • Victor P. Nelson Auburn University
  • Bill D. Carroll University of Texas at Arlington
  • H Troy Nagle North Carolina State University
  • J David Irwin Auburn University

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ISBN-13: 9780135305706 (2020 update)

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Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design balances breadth and depth of coverage with practical real-world design methods. The authors provide an authoritative, state-of-the-art approach to the fundamentals of digital logic analysis and design. The text balances theory and practice in depth without getting bogged down in excessive technical or mathematical language. 

The 2nd Edition features extensive coverage of current topics of interest, such as modeling with Verilog and VHDL, design with programmable devices, and computer-aided design. Over 250 worked examples aid in building strong, systematic problem-solving behaviors and design methodologies. Learning objectives and review questions in each chapter help you test your understanding of the material.

  1. Computers and Digital Systems
  2. Number Systems and Digital Codes
  3. Logic Circuits and Boolean Algebra
  4. Combinational Logic Circuit Design and Analysis
  5. Introduction to Sequential Circuits
  6. Synchronous Sequential Logic Circuit Analysis and Design
  7. Asynchronous Sequential Circuit Analysis and Design
  8. Programmable Digital Logic Devices
  9. Design of Digital Systems


  1. Verilog Primer
  2. VHDL Primer

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