Developing Management Skills, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (May 13, 2019) © 2020

  • David A. Whetten Brigham Young University
  • Kim S. Cameron University of Michigan

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ISBN-13: 9780135642917 (2019 update)

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MyLab Management with Pearson eText for Developing Management Skills

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Designed for individuals of all skill levels and learning styles, Developing Management Skills has become the standard text for learning hands-on management. It helps you apply knowledge to real-world situations, connect concepts to your own life, and experience management theory in a tactile and engaging way.

The 10th Edition features updated, contemporary examples; new skill assessments and cases; updated research; and tangible, relevant goals for you to work toward. By focusing on the essential skills for success, you'll see what managers actually “do” and how they transform concepts into practical, actionable techniques.

Introduction: The Critical Role of Management Skills

1. Developing Self-Awareness
2. Managing Stress and Well-Being
3. Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively

4. Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively
5. Gaining Power and Influence
6. Motivating Performance
7. Negotiating and Resolving Conflict

8. Empowering and Engaging Others
9. Building Effective Teams and Teamwork
10. Leading Positive Change

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