Curriculum Leadership: Readings for Developing Quality Educational Programs, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (August 2, 2013) © 2014

  • Forrest W. Parkay Washington State University
  • Eric J. Anctil
  • Glen Hass
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  • A print text

PART ONE Bases for Curriculum Leadership 1

1 Goals and Values

Focus Questions

Definitions of Curriculum

Differences between Curriculum and Instruction

A Comprehensive Definition ofCurriculum

Bases of the Curriculum

Social Forces

Theories of Human Development

The Nature of Learning and Learning Styles

Emphasizing Curriculum Bases

Curriculum Criteria

Curriculum Goals

Values in Curriculum Planning

Criterion Questions—Goals and Values


Principals as Cultural Leaders

Karen Seashore Louis & Kyla Wahlstrom

Leadership for Learning: Lessons from 4 Years of Empirical Research

Philip Hallinger

Perspectives on Four Curriculum Traditions

William H. Schubert

Democracy at Risk

William E. White, Richard van Scotter, Michael H. Haroonian, & James E. Davis

The Organization and Subject-Matter of General Education

Robert M. Hutchins

The Case for Essentialismin Education

William C. Bagley

The Case for Progressivism in Education

William Heard Kilpatrick

Traditional vs. Progressive Education

John Dewey

Leaders' Voices—Putting Theory into Practice

5 Telltale Signs You're Becoming a Teacher Leader

Marsha Ratzel

Learning Activities

Critical Thinking

Application Activities

Field Experiences

Internet Activities

2 Social Forces: Present and Future

Focus Questions

Curriculum and the Future

Social Forces and the Individual

Levels of Social Forces

Concepts from the Social Sciences

Futures Planning

Criterion Questions—Social Forces


What's Wrong with Accountability by the Numbers?

Richard Rothstein

Grading Education: Test-Based Accountability Can't Work, But Testing Plus Careful School Inspections Can

Richard Rothstein, Rebecca Jacobsen, & Tamara Wilder

High-Stakes Testing and Accountability as Social Constructs across Cultures

Raymond V. Padilla

The “Three A's” of Creating an Inclusive Curriculum and Classroom

Tina M. Anctil

The Dimensions of Multicultural Education

James A. Banks

21st Century Schools Require Media Literate Leaders

Eric J. Anctil

Leaders' Voices—Putting Theory into Practice

Launching an iPad 1-to-1 Program: Leadership Advice on Pioneering Technology Initiatives

Mitchell A. Salerno & Michael Vonhof

Learning Activities

Critical Thinking

Application Activities

Field Experiences

Internet Activities

3 Human Development

Focus Questions

Theories of Human Development

Piaget's Model of Cognitive Development

Erikson's Model of Psychosocial Development

Kohlberg's and Gilligan's Models for Moral Development

Maslow's Model of a Hierarchy of Needs

Criterion Questions—Human Development


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Renovated with Contemporary Extensions

Douglas T. Kenrick, Vladas Griskevicius, Steven L. Neuberg, & Mark Schaller

Erik Erikson's Developmental Stages: A Healthy Personality for Every Child Midcentury White House Conference on Children and Youth

Erik H. Erikson & Joan M. Erikson

The Cognitive-Developmental Approach to Moral Education

Lawrence Kohlberg

Woman's Place in Man's Life Cycle

Carol Gilligan

Concerted Cultivation and the Accomplishment of Natural Growth

Annette Lareau

Friending, IMing, and Hanging Out Face-to-Face: Overlap in Adolescents' Online and Offline Social Networks

Stephanie M. Reich, Kaveri Subrahmanyam, & Guadalupe Espinoza

Leaders' Voices—Putting Theory into Practice

What Ever Happened to Kick the Can? Wellness in School and Community

Tom Burton

Learning Activities

Critical Thinking

Application Activities

Field Experiences

Internet Activities

4 Learning and Learning Styles

Focus Questions

Behavioral Learning Theories

Social Learning Theories

Cognitive Learning Theories

Cognitive Science

Gestalt-Field Views of Learning

Constructivist Learning Theories

Learning Styles

Multiple Intelligences

Criterion Questions—Learning and Learning Styles


The Neuroeducation of Learning: Learning systems, Not Styles

Ellyn Lucas Arwood

Probing More Deeply into the Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardner

Multiple Intelligences, the Mozart Effect, and Emotional Intelligence: A Critical Review

Lynn Waterhouse

How Boys Learn

Michael Gurian & Kathy Stevens

Where the Girls Are: The Facts about Gender Equity in Education

Christianne Corbett, Catherine Hill, & Andresse St. Rose

A Literature Review of Gaming in Education: Research Report

Katie Larsen McClarty, Aline Orr, Peter M. Frey, Robert P. Dolan, Victoria Vassileva, & Aaron McVay

Leaders' Voices—Putting Theory into Practice

Moving Up From Mediocre

Nick Myers & Ed Rafferty

Learning Activities

Critical Thinking

Application Activities

Field Experiences

Internet Activities

PART TWO Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating the Curriculum

5 Approaches to Curriculum Development

Focus Questions

Approaches to Curriculum Development

The Focus of Curriculum Development

Student-Centered versus Subject-Centered Curricula

The Curriculum Development Process

Standards and Curriculum Development

Common Core State Standards

Content and Performance Standards

Standards Developed by Professional Associations

Aligning Curricula and Textbooks with Standards

Curriculum Frameworks

Standards and No Child Left Behind (NCLB)

Students and Curriculum Development

Criterion Questions—Curriculum Development



Who Should Plan the Curriculum?

Glen Hass

Tying Together the Common Core of Standards, Instruction, and Assessments

Vicki Phillips & Carina Wong

Integrating 21st Century Skills into the Curriculum

Dianne M. Gut

Improving School Outcomes by Addressing the Whole Child and by Addressing Skills and Attitudes, Not Just Content

Adele Diamond

Teaching Under the New Taylorism: High-Stakes Testing and the Standardization of the 21st Century Curriculum

Wayne Au

The Muddle Machine: Confessions of a Textbook Editor

Tamim Ansary

Leaders' Voices—Putting Theory into Practice

The Case for Teacher-Led School Improvement

LaQuanda Brown

Learning Activities

Critical Thinking

Application Activities

Field Experiences

Internet Activities

6 Curriculum Implementation, Instruction, and Technology

Focus Questions

Instructional Methods

A Repertoire of Models of Teaching

Models Based on Behavioral Psychology

Models Based on Human Development

Models Based on Cognitive Processes

Models Based on Social Interactions

Basic Principles of Curriculum Implementation and Instruction

Technology and Curriculum Development

A New Generation of Students

Technology and Transformation of the Curriculum

Criterion Questions—Curriculum Implementation and Technology


A Deeper Sense of (Media) Literacy

Cynthia L. Scheibe

Progressive Organization of Subject Matter

John Dewey

Structures in Learning

Jerome S. Bruner

The Many Faces of Leadership

Charlotte Danielson

Adopt and Adapt: Twenty-First-Century Schools Need Twenty-First-Century Technology

Marc Prensky

Implementing Virtual Museums in the Social Studies Classroom: An Apprenticeship Model

Adam I. Attwood

Leaders' Voices—Putting Theory into Practice

Differentiation of Instruction: A Strategic Response to Student Needs

Kelly A. Hedrick

Learning Activities

Critical Thinking

Application Activities

Field Experiences

Internet Activities

7 Curriculum Evaluation and Assessment of Learning

Focus Questions

Curriculum Evaluation

Formative and Summative Evaluation

Assessment of Learning

Standardized Assessments

Emerging Trends in Assessment of Learning

Performance-Based Assessments

Authentic Assessment

Portfolio Assessment

Peer Assessment


Alternate Assessments

Criterion Questions—Curriculum Evaluation and Assessment of Learning



Nelson Maylone

Assessing Students with Disabilities in the General Education Classroom

Darcy E. Miller

Learning to Love Assessment

Carol Ann Tomlinson

An “A” in Abstractions

Paul Tullis

Using Student Assessment Data to Improve Instruction

Kathryn Parker Boudett, Richard J. Murnane, Elizabeth City, & Liane Moody

What Is the Purpose of Grades?

James D. Allen

Leaders' Voices—Putting Theory into Practice

Time for a Tune-Up: Comprehensive Curriculum Evaluation

Lisa H. Meyers

Learning Activities

Critical Thinking

Application Activities

Field Experiences

Internet Activities

PART THREE The Curriculum in Action

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