Business Analysis Agility: Delivering Value, Not Just Software, 1st edition

Published by Addison-Wesley Professional (October 5, 2018) © 2019

  • James Robertson
  • Suzanne Robertson Atlantic Systems Guild
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As a developer, to deliver real value, you must understand what your customers truly value, and solve the problems they really need solved. Business analysis can help you do this–and it’s as crucial in agile environments now as it always has been. In Business Analysis Agility, leading experts James Robertson and Suzanne Robertson show how to perform business analysis in an agile way: trying new things, adapting to changes and discoveries, staying flexible, and being quick. Drawing on their unsurpassed experience of hundreds of projects and organizations, the Robertsons help you prioritize relentlessly, focus investments on delivering value, and learn in ways that improve your results.
Here is a link to a video with more information about the book -
  • Chapter 1: Agile Business Analysis
  • Chapter 2: Do You Know What Your Customers Value?
  • Chapter 3: Are You Solving the Right Problem?
  • Chapter 4: Investigate the Solution Space
  • Chapter 5: Designing the Business Solution
  • Chapter 6: Writing the Right Stories
  • Chapter 7: Jack Be Nimble, Jack Be Quick
  • Glossary
  • Bibliography
  • Index

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