Becoming a Strategic Thinker: Developing Skills for Success, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (October 1, 2004) © 2005

  • W James Potter University of California, Santa Barbara
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  • A print text

For courses in Critical Thinking, Freshman Experience, College Orientation, Study Skills, and Information Literacy.

This book addresses the biggest challenges facing students today: (1) dealing with the flood of information in all courses and from society at large; and (2) learning how to discern good information from bad. By addressing these challenges, this book shows students how to become a Strategic Thinker and thereby be more efficient in making decisions about what information to access and then what to do with this information in their courses and their lives.

1. The Challenges.
2. Strategic Thinking.
3. Knowledge Styles.
4. Skill 1: Analysis.
5. Skill 2: Evaluation.
6. Skill 3: Induction.
7. Skill 4: Deduction.
8. Skill 5: Grouping.
9. Skill 6: Synthesis.
10. Skill 7: Abstracting.
11. Skill 8: Persuasive Expression.
12. Conclusion.

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