Alice 3 to Java: Learning Creative Programming through Storytelling and Gaming, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2018

  • Wanda P Dann Carnegie Melon Unviersity
  • Don Slater Carnegie Mellon University
  • Laura Paoletti Carnegie Mellon University
  • Dave Culyba Carnegie Mellon University

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ISBN-13: 9780137561605 (2021 update)

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For courses in Introductory Programming for Java and Alice.

Learn programming basics in a creative context that’s more engaging and less complicated

Taking a computer programming course can be challenging, time-consuming, and downright frustrating–but there’s a better way. Alice 3 to Java: Learning Creative Programming through Storytelling and Gaming, First Edition introduces students to programming in a creative context that’s more engaging and less complicated, while still covering all the essential concepts you’d expect to see in an introductory programming course. Students are invited to step into the world of creating 3D animations through chapters that present programming concepts with hands-on examples. Throughout the text, students create a short story or game centered on Lawrence Prenderghast’s Haunted Circus, a story by Laura Paoletti. Students bring the story to life through projects and exercises using Alice, an animation tool similar to professional software used by studios like Pixar and DreamWorks. Later in the book, students may apply what they’ve learned in Alice to using Java, a professional, production-level programming course.

Table of Contents

  • Prologue: Lawrence Prenderghast’s Haunted Circus

Episode 1. March 1, 1910: Larry

  1. Introduction
  2. Design
  3. Implementation in Alice
  4. Implement and Test

Episode 2. The Train Engine

  1. Procedures, do together, and Count Loops

Episode 3. The Tunnel

  1. Stepwise Refinement and Inheritance
  2. Implementation in Java
  3. Importing: Alice 3 to Java and Code

Episode 4. The Forest Cabin

  1. Code Reuse, Parameters, Data Types, Variables, and Arithmetic Expressions
  2. Java: Parameters, Data Types, Variables, Expressions, and Loop Control

Episode 5. The Ringmaster Coat

  1. Interactivity with Events, If/Else, Conditions, and Built-in Functions

Episode 6. March 1, 1910: Nicholas

  1. Custom Functions, While Loops, Random Values, Input, and a Game Algorithm

Episode 7. March 1, 1910: Esther

  1. Built-in Arrays, Poses, More Events, and Interactive Controls

Episode 8. March 1, 1910: Adelaide

  1. Custom Arrays and Functions
  2. Java: Custom Arrays and Sort

Episode 9. March 1, 1910: Gideon

  1. Event-Driven Programming and Advanced Game Controls


Epilogue Capstone Project


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