Science in Elementary Education: Methods, Concepts, and Inquiries, 11th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2011

  • Joseph M. Peters University of West Florida
  • David L. Stout University of West Florida
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1. Inquiring Minds in the Classroom
A National Focus on Inquiry
The Nature of Science
How Do Children and Society Benefit When Science Is Taught Properly?

2. Discovering Science Through Inquiry
Inquiry and Its Role in Promoting Scientific Literacy
Inquiry as a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning
Inquiry and Scientists
Inquiry and Children
Convergence of Ideas
Constructivism and Science Teaching and Learning
A Constructivist Approach to Teaching
Preparing for Inquiry in Your Classroom

3. Planning for Inquiry
Planning Inquiry Experiences
Development of a 6E Lesson
National Standards and Planning

4. Inquiry and Assessment
Assessment Today
Linking Assessment to Inquiry
The 6E Model and Assessment
Authentic Assessment
Characteristics of Good Assessment
Performance-Based Assessment
Project-Based Assessment
Peer or Individual Assessments
Concept Maps
Teacher Observations
Open-Ended Questions
Assessing Attitudes

5. Inquiry and Science as Practice
Inquiry and Scientific Skill Development
The Goals of Science as Practice
Four Strands of Science
Scientific Skills in Support of Science as Practice
Scientific Attitudes
Critical Thinking
Developing Attitudes

6. Inquiry Experiences for All Children
Celebrating Diversity
Cultural Diversity
Linguistic Diversity
Gender Equality
Teaching Students with Special Needs
Inclusive Classrooms
Assisting Students with Disabilities
Children with Disabilities
Working with Gifted Students

7. Inquiry Learning Opportunities
Opportunity to Learn
Historical Perspective
Science Fairs
Invention Conventions
Science Learning Centers
Science Projects
Science Learning Resources
Technology Education as a Science Learning Opportunity

8. Professional Development in Support of Inquiry
Lifelong Learning
Establishing Inservice Programs
A Personal View
Mentoring Programs
Teacher as Researcher

Inquiry Unit 1: Physical Science
Light Energy and Color Benchmarks
Pathways of Light Concepts
Light Refraction Concepts
Color Concepts
Color Blindness
Perception and the Eye Concepts
Heat Energy Benchmarks
Expansion and Contraction Concepts
Changing States of Matter Concepts
Temperature and Heat Energy Concepts
The Calorie and the BTU
Conduction, Convection, and Radiation Concepts
Sound Energy Benchmarks
Sound Vibration Concepts
How Sounds Travel Concepts
Reflected and Absorbed Sounds Concept
How Pitch Changes Concepts
Hearing and Locating Sounds Concepts
Magnetic Interaction Benchmarks
Magnets and What They Attract Concepts
Making Magnets Concepts
Fields of Force Concepts
Magnetic Pole Concepts
Magnetic Therapy and Care of Magnets Concepts
Electrical Energy Benchmarks
Closed and Open Circuit Concepts
Series and Parallel Circuit Concepts
Electrical Flow Concepts
Electromagnet Concepts
Generating Electricity Concepts
Simple Machine Benchmarks
Screws and Inclined Planes Concepts
Lever Concepts
Wheel and Axle Concepts
Pulley Concepts
Motion and Friction Concepts
Simple Machine Print Resources

Inquiry Unit 2: Life Science
Plant Life Benchmarks
Seed-Related Concepts
Vegetative Reproduction Concepts
Environmental Conditions Concepts
Plant Part and Function Concepts
Adaptation and Survival Concepts
Molds and Fungi Concepts
Animal Life Benchmarks
Classification of Animals Concepts
Animals with Backbones Concepts
Animals Without Backbones Concepts
Ecological Concepts
Human Body and Nutrition Benchmarks
Skeletal and Muscle Systems Concepts
Nervous System Concepts
Circulatory and Respiratory Systems Concepts
Digestive System Concepts
Food and Nutrition Concepts
Human Body and Nutrition Print Resources

Inquiry Unit 3: Earth and Space Science
The Earth's Changing Surface Benchmarks
Weathering and Erosion Concepts
Soil and its Makeup Concepts
Building Up of the Land Concepts
How Rocks Are Formed Concepts
Water, Air, and Weather Benchmarks
Water Concepts
Air and Its Properties Concepts
Weather Concepts
The Earth in Space Benchmarks
Time and the Seasons Concepts
Moon, Earth, and Sun Orbits Concepts
Solar System and Beyond Concepts
Gravity and the Laws of Motion Concepts
The Earth in Space Print Resources

Appendix A: Professional Bibliography
Appendix B: Science Curriculum Projects
Appendix C: Commercial Science Suppliers
Appendix D: Environments and Nutrition for Classroom Animals
Appendix E: Summary of Children's Thinking
Appendix F: State Education Agencies

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