Quality Improvement, 9th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2013

  • Dale H. Besterfield College of Engineering, Southern University at Carbondale, Besterfield and Associates

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ISBN-13: 9780137546473 (2021 update)

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Quality Control focuses on the quantitative aspects of quality improvement, with sufficient theory to help you develop a solid understanding of basic quality principles. The text presents probability and statistical techniques using simpler math or developed via tables and charts, making the information easier to digest.

1. Introduction to Quality Improvement
2. Lean Enterprise
3. Six Sigma
4. Statistical Process Control
5. Fundamentals of Statistics
6. Control Charts for Variables
7. Additional SPC Techniques for Variables
8. Fundamentals of Probability
9. Control Charts for Attributes
10. Acceptance Sampling.
11. Reliability
12. Management and Planning Tools
13. Experimental Design
14. Taguchi's Quality Engineering
Table A. Areas under the Normal Curve
Table B. Factors for Computing Central Lines and 3 Control Limits for S, and R Charts
Table C. The Poisson Distribution
Table D. Random Numbers
Table E. Commonly Used Conversion Factors
Table-F. Critical Values of T Distribution
Table G-1. Critical Values of F Distribution (a = 0.1)
Table G-2. Critical Values of F Distribution (a = 0.05)
Table G-3. Critical Values of F Distribution (a = 0.01)
Table H. Orthogonal Arrays
Selected Bibliography
Answers to Selected Exercises

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